Featured Items Ritchie Christian Media

June 2005

From the editor: Character Studies in the Assembly (4)
J Grant

The First Book of Samuel (1)
J Riddle

Poetry: The Trial of Your Faith

The Offerings (2)
J Paton

Book Review

Be not ignorant (4)
R Catchpole

Question Box

The First Epistle of John (13)
S Whitmore

Eternal Punishment (1)
E W Rogers

Notebook: Ecclesiastes
J Grant

Whose faith follow: James MacPhie of Cazombo, Angola (1884-1970)
W Halliday

The Lord sat as King at the Flood
W Alexander

Into All The World: Work in Armenia
Toros Pilibosian

Words from the Cross (6)
C Jones

With Christ

The Lord’s Work & Workers


With Christ

Mr Thomas Bonar, on 12th December, aged 87. His working life was spent as a nurse in Hollywell Mental Hospital in Antrim, except for two years when he was in the Prison Service. During that period he attended meetings in Belfast, when Mr Frank Knox preached, and at that time he trusted the Saviour and was soon received into fellowship in Burnside assembly. In 1950 he and his wife joined Kells assembly when they moved to that area. He was a "door keeper" for many years, was faithful at all the meetings, and is greatly missed. A brother with a good testimony. Whose faith follow.

Mr Roland Entwistle, on 1st April, in his 65th year, after a protracted illness patiently borne. Saved in December, 1957 at meetings conducted by the late Mr Richard Hull, he was in the assembly at Killyleagh for most of his Christian life. His spiritual development and ability made him to be a respected overseer. It could be truthfully said that he laid down his life for the brethren. He was a lover of all that was spiritual, holy, and good, and was given to hospitality. He was lovingly cared for in his illness by his devoted wife and family until his homecall. His large funeral bore witness to the esteem in which he was held in the entire district, and was conducted by Brian Currie, Jack Lennox and Jack Palmer. Prayer valued for his widow and family, and the small assembly.

Mr H Johnston Hull (son of the late Richard Hull, evangelist), on 26th March, after a protracted illness. Saved on 5th April, 1986, he was baptised in November and received into Ballyclare assembly. On moving to Strabane he was in happy fellowship in the assembly there until unable to attend the meetings through illness. He was a Christian gentleman of the strictest honour who loved the Lord, His Truth and His people, in spite of many difficulties. He had a large funeral and was buried like a prince. Prayer requested for his widow, son and daughter not yet saved, and for his saved family circle.

Mrs Ellen Knowles, on 14th October, aged 93. Saved as a girl under the preaching of the late Duncan Montgomery, she was received into Ballynashee assembly when thirteen years old and continued there for forty years. With her late husband Sam she moved to Kells assembly in 1964 where she was in happy fellowship while health permitted. Greatly missed. Prayer valued for her family.

Mr David McClure, on 14th January, aged 73 years. Saved as a young man, he was baptised and received into fellowship in the Bridge of Weir assembly over fifty years ago and continued there until his homecall. He was a faithful attender at the gatherings of the assembly and served as treasurer for some years. He will be missed by the saints. He is mourned by his widow Mary and by his family. As he was well known in the village many local people attended the funeral and heard the gospel.

Mr James Merson was born in Sandend on 12th June, 1924, and was converted as a young man. Jim worked at the Portsoy Marble workshop, but his great passion was caring for the "living stones". In this he was disciplined and faithful, an example to all in true godliness. His spiritual convictions ran deep, driving him to distribute gospel literature quarterly round the houses of Portsoy for over twenty years. Following a prolonged period of illness, Jim found himself too weak to continue treatment. Faced with the impact of this he simply said, "I have no fears and no doubts about my salvation. I have endeavoured to serve my Lord faithfully, and I am ready to go home". His Lord called him home on 18th February.

Mrs Myra Thompson, on 18th March, after a severe illness borne with patience and dignity. Saved when she was nineteen at meetings in Ahoghill conducted by Mr W Trew, she was soon after received into the assembly. After marriage in 1954, due to her husband’s occupation, she was in a number of assemblies where she was loved and respected for her consistent testimony. She had the joy of seeing her two sons saved and active in assembly life. Her very large funeral was from the Cambridge Avenue Gospel Hall, the services being conducted by J G Hutchinson and J Lennox assisted by Messrs Wallace, McKillen and McMullan. Prayer valued for her husband and family.

Mr John A S Wilkie went home to be with his Lord on 14th March, aged 93. Saved and baptised as a young man, he spent the majority of his life in fellowship in the assembly in Abernethy, Perthshire. Latterly, he and his wife Sylvia were in assembly fellowship in Kirkmuirhill and Perth. His participation in the gatherings of the Lord’s people was always fresh, Christ exalting, and evidence of a man who daily lived close to the Lord. At every opportunity he did good unto all men; his practical care for others and his godly way of life will remain as a lasting testimony. He was "a good man, and a just…who also himself waited for the kingdom of God", and will be greatly missed. Prayer is especially requested for his widow, Sylvia.


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