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Poetry: "We Beheld His Glory" (Jn 1.14)

Thy moral glory, heavenly Lord,
We trace all through the Holy Word;
God’s glory in Thy path portrayed,
Bright shining witness without shade.
They who see Thee, the Father see,
Wondrous and peerless mystery.

We see Thee in the Saviour’s face,
At once so full of truth and grace,
And thus we know Thee through the Word,
In all Thy ways and doings, Lord.
God’s glory in Thy path revealed,
And by the Spirit therein sealed.

In one bless’d image here we trace,
And read it in the Saviour’s face.
We need not, ask not, more to know
Of heavenly glory here below,
But wait our welcome, soon to be
At home forever, Lord, with thee.



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