North East Scotland
Aberdeen: From 9th-14th September Holburn Gospel Hall hosted the Aberdeenshire Bible Exhibition. Almost 300 children from 7 schools attended and took part in a range of activities. Generally they listened well and several teachers who came round with their pupils also showed interest. A number of adults visited independently, and 2 of those who came enquired about the possibility of using the Exhibition in their own spheres of employment. Please pray that the work done might be blessed by the Lord.
The assembly at Forres has almost completed the tract distribution programme for the summer, covering 14 villages and most of the town. Two requests for literature have been received. Sam Matthews reports that so far 1400 Words of Comfort have been mailed this year. A few replies acknowledge help given and express appreciation. Please pray that the Word of the Lord may have free course and be glorified, and that precious souls might be saved and live to prove the reality of their faith. The annual Bible Readings held during the first week in September were well attended, and very helpful and challenging teaching from Romans 12-14 was given by Colin Lacey and Alastair Sinclair.
Fountain Hall Assembly, Woodside, Aberdeen, were able to erect a stand at a recent Gala event held in a playing field close to the hall. This opportunity for indentifying the assembly witness and outreach work in the area was the first of this type. The response from the children, their parents and other adults, was encouraging, some remembering their Sunday School days. Literature, texts etc. were freely taken and every child received a Childrens Gospel Pack. One man has started to attend the gospel meetings each week. Please pray the God will bless this effort.
The Lanarkshire Gospel Work this year was concentrated on two campaigns, each of 3 weeks, at Low Waters, Hamilton and Kirkmuirhill. There was door to door visitation by Roy Marshall in these areas and in Greengairs, Uddingston and Chapelhall, open air preaching each night and Saturday Rallies at Low Waters, Kirkmuirhill, Chapelhall, Greengairs, and Newmains. The support from the Lanarkshire assembles again this year was excellent.
At Low Waters, each night the hall was well filled and the presence of the Lord was known. Unsaved folk were present almost every night, brought by believers, but as far as is known no one responded to the literature that was distributed widely along with the extensive visitation. Roland Pickering preached faithfully each night.
At Kirkmuirhill, the hall was filled to overflowing each night. Again the believers and the evangelists worked hard in literature distribution and door to door visitation. Good numbers of unsaved folk attended, on one evening as many as twelve. One of the local councillors came with her husband, and after their visit she wrote an excellent article for the local paper speaking of the "marvellous preacher, Roland Pickering" and encouraging locals to attend the meetings. On many nights we felt sure that someone would be saved, but again there was no real evidence of salvation, and we leave all the outcome with the Lord.
Antrim: Childrens meetings were taken by local brethren from 1st-5th October.
Ahoghill: T Hair conducted meetings for children from 10th-14th September. There was good attendance nightly.
Ballinaloob: Gospel meetings are commencing on 28th October with D Davidson and W Fenton. Fellowship in prayer would be appreciated.
Ballymena (Cambridge Avenue): Gospel meetings are commencing (God Willing) on 28th October. Speakers, S Grant and P McAuley.
Ballyclare: Ministry meetings were held from 24th-28th September. J Fleck was responsible. There was good interest and teaching. Childrens meetings with T McKillen took place from 8th-11th October in the Gospel Hall.
Clonkeen: Childrens meetings with P McMullan in New Street Hall, Randalstown were held from 17th-21st September. Very encouraging numbers as the week progressed.
Glengormley: Gospel meetings continue with R McKeown and M Radcliffe. Good numbers are attending. Pray for blessing as the gospel is preached clearly.
Kells: Gospel meetings with J Rogers and A Caldwell commenced on 30th September in a portable hall between Kells and Connor villages. Prayer appreciated.
Drumhirk-near Keady: Gospel tent meetings concluded on 23rd September after seven weeks with S McBride and G Buchanan. For the final week brother McBride was helped by T Wright. The meetings were well attended with some strangers coming most nights.
Markethill Gospel Hall: Gospel meetings commenced in mid September with this very small assembly. The town has been well visited. The preachers are J Wishart and S Barr.
Drumacanver Gospel Hall: J Allen commenced two weeks of ministry on 23rd September. Subject: Future Events.
Ballyhay: Tent meetings with B Currie and J Palmer concluded with encouragement and blessing in salvation.
Bangor (Ebenezer): In mid September J Allen conducted two weeks of very profitable Bible Readings on Future Events .
Carryduff Gospel Hall: The annual conference on 1st September was well attended and very profitable. The teaching given by A Gamble and A Parks was practical and challenging . Brother Parks continued the following week with lessons from the early Church which was much appreciated. On the Thursday evening of that week a man and a young woman were baptised who had been saved a few weeks earlier when brother Parks was preaching in the tent at Northfield. This gave added interest and many spoke of having been blessed.
Drumaness Gospel Hall: On 22nd September the assembly celebrated fifty years of testimony in the village from the time the hall was built. The hall was filled to capacity when G Green in his opening remarks spoke of the goodness of God over the years and the stability of the Work of God. After the hall had been burnt down in 1996 the believers did not lose heart but proved the faithfulness of God through His people, and were enabled to re-build and improve on the original hall.
The number presently in fellowship is small but very committed and they gave out some 600 special invitations in the village and area to come to hear the gospel on Sunday, 23rd, preached by two of the local brethren.
S Thompson gave a little of the history of assembly work in the village when his late uncle Hugh Lindsay arranged meetings first in the Dining Hall and later in the School which were associated with the large Mill which gave work to the villagers. In 1933 the late T Graham and J B Jordan preached the gospel and souls were saved.
A Sunday School was established in 1939 by brother Lindsay with help from the brethren in Ballynahinch and this laid a foundation for the work that ensued.
A weekly gospel meeting each Sunday was commenced in the School and several gospel series over the years resulted in souls being saved.
It was in 1954 that there was a further visitation of the hand of God when seven were saved including four men, three of whom were the husbands of ladies that were saved at the first meetings in 1933.
They were all soon baptised and received into fellowship at Ballynahinch. They manifested a great interest in the word of God and developed spiritually evidencing gift giving them a great exercise to build a hall and establish a testimony in their own village as the school was no longer available to them.
The hall was built in 1957, and in full fellowship with the brethren in Ballynahinch the assembly was formed and has maintained a faithful witness.
There just remains in the fellowship one lady of all the original foundational members.
Pray that the new generation of believers, most of whom are family members of the original saints, may know the blessing of the Lord as they continue in their vibrant witness to the Glory of God until the Day of His coming.
J G Hutchinson and M Radcliffe gave suitable ministry which was encouraging and Christ exalting. Tea was served at the close of the memorable meeting.
Edenderry (Shaws Bridge): D McGarvey and J Bingham commence gospel meetings on 21st October.
Portavogie (Ebenezer Gospel Hall): The Annual Conference was held on 15th September, and was well attended at both sessions. The ministry was profitable and edifying. Speakers were S Jennings, T Wallace, B Martin and J Wishart. B Martin continued the following week speaking on some of the unsung heroes of the Bible.
Drumenagh: D McGarvey and R Reynolds continue in gospel meetings with nice numbers attending.
Raphoe: S Patterson and S Gilfillan have commenced meetings on 30th September in a portable hall in a country area near the village of Raphoe in Co. Donegal.
Gillygooley: In this rural area some 4 miles from Omagh S Nelson and A Wilson are expected to commence gospel meetings in mid October using a portable hall. Prayer valued for this needy area.
Dunmullan: R McKeown had 4 nights of ministry in early September with this small assembly. Believers from surrounding assemblies attended and gave support and this encouraged the fellowship.
Monaghan Town: In Monaghan town centre J Martin and W Martin are preaching the gospel in rented premises in their fifth week at the end of September. This is a difficult area with little to encourage, although some locals are attending. Prayer is much valued.
Wallingford: In June Roland Pickering had 2 weeks of gospel meetings. A few came in to hear the gospel.
Bicester: John McCann and Elton Fairfield have had 6 weeks of tent meetings during which they saw over 150 different unsaved hear the gospel. The Lords hand was seen in salvation.
Mitcham: In September Stan Burditt had 2 weeks of gospel meetings and saw a number of unsaved present to hear the gospel.
Broadwas on Teme: J Phillips opened the new winter series of Saturday Ministry Meetings with excellent ministry which was a blessing and encouragement.
Redditch Batchley Estate: The Annual Conference saw S Dunn and E Parmenter minister the Word faithfully for the profit of all gathered. The following week E Parmenter continued in ministry which the saints appreciated.