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With Christ

Mr Thomas Bentley, late of Malaysia, was called home on 9th June. He was saved as a boy of eleven, baptised and received into fellowship at Ebenezer Gospel Hall, Belfast, in January, 1939 at fourteen years of age. In February, 1956 the assembly at Ebenezer Gospel Hall and a number of surrounding assemblies commended him to the service of the Lord. He, with his late wife and two young children, left for Malaya in November. He saw a number of assemblies planted in that land and served the Lord faithfully for 55 years, both in the gospel and ministry of the Word of God. He endeavoured with the help of the Lord to live out what he had gleaned from the Scriptures, both at home and abroad. Wherever he went his love for the local assembly and his appreciation of its unique position in this dispensation were foremost in his preaching and practice. His acceptability in teaching the Lord’s people was evidenced by his frequent and extended visits to Australia, Canada and the USA. His ministry provided a wide ranging diet of wholesome spiritual food for believers as a result of his deep interest and study of the Old Testament types, New Testament epistles, the life of the Lord Jesus, Old Testament prophets, prophecy, the Rapture and millennial studies. He was a prodigious student of the Word of God, and his pen contributed detailed and edifying articles to assembly magazines and the well-known New Testament commentary series, What the Bible Teaches. In 2010, illness, for the first time, prevented him and his devoted wife Grace attending the annual Malaysian conference that meant so much to him. He bore that illness with dignity and courage for over a year. His large funeral service from Harryville Gospel Hall was conducted by David Gilliland in the hall and Walter Boyd at the graveside, with brethren taking part in prayers and tributes, including written tributes from brethren in Malaysia.

Mrs Jan McCulloch (Jenny Morgan), aged 75, called home on 16th June after several years of poor health. She was saved as a girl at Ebenezer Sunday School, Dreghorn, and was later baptised and received into fellowship at Plann Gospel Hall, Knockentiber. After training as a nurse at Ballochmyle and Irvine Central Hospitals, Jan emigrated to Canada in 1960 where she met and married Cliff. In 1998 they relocated to Irvine. Prayer is valued for her husband Cliff.

Mrs Annie McGinty, aged 90, was called into the presence of her Lord and Saviour on 11th February. Apart from a 4 year period in Australia, our sister was in faithful and consistent fellowship in the Shields Road assembly in Motherwell for more than 70 years, bearing a good testimony to all who knew her. She was a person of very pleasant disposition and, along with her husband David, would frequently be seen at the various conferences and Saturday night ministry meetings held over a wide part of the area of Scotland where she lived. The large funeral from Shields Road Hall and at the graveside was a fitting tribute to such a sister in the Lord.

Mr David Leslie Parks, aged 79, was called home to be with his Lord on 9th June. Leslie was saved as a young man of 27 years, baptised and received into the assembly at Ardmore, Lurgan in 1960 and remained there until his home call. Leslie was a quiet man, not taking much public part, but his influence on young men and women growing up in the assembly was tremendous. His testimony in the countryside glorified God in the extreme and was reflected by the large attendance at his funeral. Norrie Emerson conducted the service in Ardmore Gospel Hall with tribute and prayer shared by his brother Professor George Parks and Wesley Emerson. Philip Emerson gave a clear gospel message at the graveside and Stephen Barr prayed. Prayer is requested for his wife Myra and family.

Mrs Georgina Pillans (Gina), aged 82, on 7th June. Born in Morayshire, and brought up in Fife, Gina married our late beloved brother Anthony Pillans, and together they spent the greatest part of their married life in the Bathgate area in fellowship with the saints of the Armadale assembly. Gina was a faithful support to Tony and a faithful and diligent sister in the assembly. Her home was open to saints and servants alike and there was always a warm welcome at her door. She had an unblemished testimony in her locality and was diligent in tract distribution. After Tony died tragically 19 years ago Gina, although far from well, continued to serve the Lord as energetically as she could until eventually, due to further failing health, she had to be taken into care. The large company who attended the funeral services was a fitting tribute to a godly woman. Her family will appreciate your prayer support at this time.

Mr Norman John Seifert, aged 72, was called to be with His Lord on 28th May. John was saved as a boy of 16 years coming under conviction through the ministry of Mr Robert Love. He was baptised and received into fellowship in Hanover Street Gospel Hall, Portadown, where he remained until his home call. John’s long illness, which began in 1973, was borne with the utmost dignity. He was an inspiration to all who visited the home, where his wife Lorna was steadfast in her care and love for him. His large funeral from Hanover Street Gospel Hall was conducted by John Parkinson and Norrie Emerson with John Callaghan, Tommy Hanna and John Rodgers sharing. Prayer is valued for his wife Lorna, daughter Lynn, son Philip and daughter-in-law Gee.

Mr Isaac Trimble, aged 85, called home after a prolonged illness on 23rd June. Isaac was saved in 1940 during gospel meetings conducted in Banbridge Gospel Hall by the late Mr David Walker of Aberdeen. Some time after his conversion, our brother was baptized and received into fellowship in the assembly at Banbridge. He was a man of a quiet disposition and was not given to taking public part. Isaac loved the Lord and as his heath deteriorated in recent years he expressed increasing appreciation of the Saviour and His precious blood shed at Calvary. The funeral services at the home of his son, Brian, and at the graveside were conducted by brethren David Radcliffe and Wesley Martin. A good company of people from across the community attended the services. Prayer is requested for his widow, Sadie, and his sons Geoffrey and Brian.

Mr Arthur Turner, aged 100 years, passed into the presence of his Lord on 23rd June. Born in Talywain near Pontypool, he moved to Cardiff at the age of 18 to look for work after being made redundant as a coal miner. He found employment with his uncle who took him along to the Heath Gospel Hall with the family. There he heard the gospel clearly preached for the first time and was gloriously saved. He was baptised on 17th April, 1935 and subsequently was brought into fellowship with, and remained in, the Heath assembly for 76 years. From then on he was never ashamed to tell of the saving grace of God whenever an opportunity came. He was an enthusiastic Sunday School teacher, always keen to knock on doors and recruit new scholars. He was a faithful gospel preacher and minister of the Word in the local area. He loved to give hospitality to the Lord’s people and to visiting brethren. He was faithful in attendance at conferences and ministry meetings locally well into his nineties, and always enjoyed accompanying his son-in-law, Alan Maunder, to ministry meetings and conferences in other areas where he appreciated meeting other saints and enjoying their fellowship. He continued to attend the Breaking of Bread well into his 100th year even taking part occasionally. He lived alone as a widower for the last 20 years, only moving to stay in his daughter’s home for the final three months. His winsome smile and hearty handshake will be missed but the memory of his godly example will linger on. Although tested and tried by many trials and problems he loved to quote the words, "Faith is the Victory!"


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