The book of Ezra has two main sections:
A. The rebuilding of the Temple (chs.1-6).This consists of God working in His people where we have restoration (chs.1-2), the altar set up, the Feast kept and the foundation of the Temple laid (ch.3), the opposition to building the Temple (chs.4-5), and the Temple completed and dedicated (ch.6).
B. The ministry of Ezra (chs.7-10). This consists of the pilgrimage from Babylon (chs.7-8), and intercession and separation (chs.9-10).
The bringing up of God's people from bondage, whether it is the Exodus out of Egypt or the return out of Babylon, is prophecy contained in history. Many of the prophecies will have their literal and complete fulfilment in the salvation and gathering of Israel in the day of the manifestation of the Lord Jesus Christ in glory. There is a part fulfilment in the return of the remnant from Babylon. Here is a prophetic picture of a coming day. In Zerubbabel we have the type of the coming King, the Son of David. In Jeshua we have the type of the coming Priest. In the two associated at the head of the returned remnant we have the type of the coming King Priest (see also Melchisedec) who will sit as "priest upon his throne" (Zech 6.13).
In the returned remnant we have the type of the coming Godly remnant who, recovered and redeemed, will become the nucleus of the new nation. Therefore their return is dated in ch.3 in relation to the first day of the seventh month (vv.1,6) which is the Feast of Trumpets followed by the Feast of Tabernacles. They build up the altar and offer burnt offerings. All this is a picture of that day when Israel will find her acceptance before God in the perfection of the one sacrifice of Christ. However, setting aside the prophetic picture, in Ezra 3.1-6 we can glean practical things that are applicable to us today.
Undivided Allegiance
"The people gathered themselves together as one man to Jerusalem" (v.1). There was complete oneness, and harmony - not one was missing. In 1 Chronicles 12.38 we read that Israel was of "one heart to make David king". We as the people of God should be of one heart in giving Christ His rightful place in our lives. How vital this is in relation to the local assembly where Christ is Lord and where there should be undivided allegiance to Him and to His Word. In Acts 4.32 we read of the assembly at Jerusalem being of "one heart and of one soul". They were united in heart having the same affection for Christ and for each other. They were united in soul or spirit with the same desire to live for Christ. We are exhorted in Philippians 3.16 to walk by the same rule and mind the same thing - i.e. to live according to the rule of God and to be occupied with Christ.
Unchanging Principles
"As it is written" (vv.2-4): the returned remnant sought to carry out the teaching of the Word of God. The only authority for the people of God and the only safeguard against false teaching or wrong practice is the Word of God. Every local assembly should adhere to the unchanging principles of the holy Scriptures. The early saints continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine (Acts 2.42), but sad to say many today have turned away from that teaching enshrined permanently for us in the Word of God. The only way to secure the blessing and approval of God is by a return to the teaching of the Scriptures.
Unmistakable Dependence
"For fear was upon them because of the people of those countries" (v.3). They realised their own weakness and were aware of the opposition against them. However, they were answering to the mind of God and were acting in keeping with His will so they looked to Him for help. In dependence upon God they continued in the will and work of God. Have we learned the importance of dependence upon God? Only through His grace and in the strength He imparts can we maintain things for Him, and continue in His will and work - "without me ye can do nothing" (Jn 15.5). Paul wrote, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me" (Phil 4.13).
Unaffected Joy
"They kept also the feast of tabernacles" (v.4) - a pointer to the millennial reign of the Messiah when they shall know the joy of restoration and dwell in the fullness of salvation. In that day they will be in the good of atonement, enjoying the gladness of peace and pardon, and shall know the joy of the Lord. Although we will enter into the fullness of joy in a coming day (Jude v.24), we should already have the joy of salvation in our hearts and should be rejoicing in the Lord always (Phil 4.4). We ought to be in the enjoyment of our acceptance before God rejoicing evermore (1 Thess 5.16).
Unhesitating Surrender
"Burnt offerings" (vv.2-4,6), "the continual burnt offering" (v.5) - that which was all for God and ascended as a sweet smelling savour to Him. The burnt offering speaks of the infinite delight and pleasure brought to God in the absolute devotion and complete surrender of His Son that took Him to the death of the cross for the glory of God. We know how to apply this: "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable (well pleasing) unto God, which is your reasonable service" (Rom 12.1) - willingly surrendering our lives to God. In light of what God has done for us we should yield ourselves to Him living holy and devoted lives.
Ungrudging Giving
They "willingly offered a freewill offering unto the Lord" (v.5). There was a readiness to give freely to the Lord in appreciation of what He had done for them. The grace of God has bestowed rich spiritual blessings upon us. That grace experienced and enjoyed should move us to give ourselves to the Lord and to give of our material things to meet the needs of others (2 Cor 8.1-5). God loves a cheerful giver who, with purpose of heart, gives willingly and ungrudgingly out of love (2 Cor 8.24; 9.7). God bestows upon us not only for our benefit but that we might give to meet the needs of others (Eph 4.28; 2 Cor 9.8-10).