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The Lord's Work & Workers


Most of this month's reports for Scotland are about taking the gospel to children in different parts of the country. We know that in addition to what is reported here, many other such efforts have also been made regularly every week over the past winter months along with other special concentrated efforts. Soon these efforts will be supplemented by Holiday Clubs and Summer Camps for which much prayer and careful planning is required and is already being made. It is a matter for real thanksgiving to the Lord that free access is still available into many schools and different communities, and we do well to pray for all such work - the potential arising from teaching Bible truths to children is inestimable.

North and East

Gordon McCracken visited Shetland during the third week in March. Ten schools were visited including three on the islands of Yell and Whalsay. Children's Meetings were held in Sound Gospel Hall, Lerwick with over 80 children attending. At the end of the week two girls wrote a letter telling Gordon they had believed on the Lord Jesus.

The assembly at York Street Hall Peterhead enjoyed Robert Plant's visit for children's meetings from 16th to 20th March. The meetings were lively, with good numbers of children present who have been attending the regular Friday evening Children's Meeting through the winter months. He also spoke at various school assemblies which are regularly visited by local brethren, and he was well received.

In early March, Brian Glendenning preached the gospel for a week of nights in the Buckie Gospel Hall. A handful of people from the town attended. Helped by a local brother, around 600 homes were visited, resulting in a number of good conversations. Please pray for those that heard, whether at their door or in the hall.


Graeme Patterson was with the Kinross assembly for a week's Children's Meetings near the end of March, and also visited a few schools outwith the town. Around twenty children came each evening, among them some who had never been before. This helps to extend the contacts made through the thriving Parents and Toddlers Group which meets in the Hall each week, sometimes to overflowing, so that there is a waiting list of others wanting to join in.

Gordon McCracken spent the first two weeks in March working with the assembly in Perth. He had the opportunity to present the Gospel at 25 different school assemblies. In addition to the school visits he had a week of Children's Meetings with over 90 children attending over the time, 79 on the biggest night. As a result many new contacts have been made and there have also been some new additions to the Perth Sunday School.

A teenage lad was baptised in Perth Gospel Hall on the last Friday evening in March, in addition to other baptisms recently reported. The Hall was filled with local believers and many others who had been invited and brought along by his parents from their home town of Bridge of Earn.



Ahoghill Gospel Hall: The assembly hosted its 37th Annual Missionary Conference on 27th March. Interesting, encouraging, and challenging reports were given by T Sloan (Ukraine), I Rees (West Wales) and J Finegan (Malawi).

Ballybollan: The Special Gospel Meetings with E Fairfield, G Logan, and M McKillen, held in McClellandstown Hall, concluded on 31st March. Support from surrounding assemblies was appreciated. In spite of much visitation, it was difficult to get neighbours interested, although some visited for the first time. The believers were encouraged and the meetings were considered profitable.

Clough Gospel Hall: Gospel Meetings with S Nelson and S Gilfillan were concluded on 31st March. The support of other assemblies was appreciated. The numbers nightly were large, with regular attendance.

Kells Gospel Hall: J Fleck had very well attended and helpful Bible Readings with subjects based on Ephesians. They were very profitable and the support from various assemblies was much appreciated.


Ballyduff Gospel Hall: Gospel meetings with W Fenton and M Campbell concluded on 20th March. The saints were encouraged by blessing and refreshed by the meetings.

Belfast Easter Conference: The excellent weather, which may have favoured outdoor activities, did not hinder the excellent numbers in attendance throughout the weekend of conference meetings. The help of visiting ministering brethren - J Grant (Scotland) and J Holifield (Wales) - was much appreciated together with local brethren who ministered both in the arranged and open meetings - all of them to profit. Reports of the Lord's Work in the Homelands were shared by A Colgan, W Boyd, and S Patterson, whose years of service ranged from 12 yrs to 24 yrs to 48 yrs respectively. Reports from foreign lands gave us news from D McAllister (Zambia), E Johnston (Ukraine), E Fairfield (Japan), and S Harper (Malawi). All reports were both interesting and enlightening and were delivered with warmth and heartfelt challenge.

The closing Gospel Meeting was ably taken by J Rogers (Newry), who preached to one of the largest audiences in this annual meeting. None were left in any doubt about the reality of their need and the fullness of the provision made by God in Christ. It was a joy to hear stressed the all sufficiency of the work of the Saviour and thrilling to hear the clarion call of that great word "WHOSOEVER" ring out again in the city of Belfast. Tribute must be paid to the many willing helpers, both young and old, who worked behind the scenes in the preparation and serving of refreshments, as well as our chairmen, ushers and those who ably led the singing at every meeting. It would be our united prayer that God would be pleased to bless His Word and Work in our day.

Sandringham Gospel Hall: The assembly was privileged to have D Gilliland for 4 nights of ministry at the end of March. His subject was, "Non-Biblical Terms expressing necessary Biblical Truth". We are indebted again to our brother for his exercise and energies in the ministry of God's Word. The support of many other local assemblies was also greatly appreciated.

Sandringham Gospel Hall: Children's Work. Over the winter months we have a children's meeting in our hall in the village of Eden (outreach from the assembly). A number of brethren came to help. In February we had R Armstrong (Tanzania) for 4 weeks and heard excellent messages illustrated by various greetings cards with which the children were acquainted. Our brother presented a clear and challenging gospel message nightly and we were encouraged by the attendance and attention given. We expect Robert to return in August (DV) for our special week of children's meetings this year, trusting God will grant further help and add His blessing.


Armagh Gospel Hall: Gospel Meetings with D Gilliland and J Rogers concluded on 13th March after 9 weeks. Many new contacts were made which the saints intend to follow up . The Christians were greatly encouraged with good attendance to the very end, and God was pleased to bless with the salvation of souls. Prayer is requested for some that were touched and as yet not saved.

Drumacanver: The assembly recently hosted the Belmont Bible Exhibition in a large room within a local hotel conference centre. The overwhelming volume of people and school children that attended greatly encouraged the assembly and our brethren R Eadie and S Maze. Approximately 1,500 visited with many pertinent questions being posed and much interest expressed in relation to the model on display and the Word of God. The believers appreciated the support of local assemblies and prayer is valued for the seed sown.


Bangor, Central Hall: The assembly had five nights of very practical ministry with D West on the Epistle of James.

Gransha: The Annual Conference held on 28th March was well attended and very profitable ministry was given by D Gilliland, B Currie, B Glendinning, P McCauley, E Fairfield, and S McBride.

Growell: The assembly organised a weekend of ministry with R McKeown and S Wells on the subject of "Elders, Deacons, Helps and Sisters". The meetings, which included a question and answer session, were very helpful.

Newry: A Finney, in association with the Newry assembly, held children's meetings each Tuesday evening during March in Burren, Warrenpoint. G Rogers was the speaker and local response was exceptional with many children and parents hearing the gospel for the first time.

Portavogie, New Road: D Gilliland was with the assembly for one week of well attended and much appreciated ministry on "Themes from 1 Corinthians".

Shanaghan: The Gospel Meetings conducted by T Armstrong and A Steele have concluded with good interest throughout. Prayer requested for blessing in salvation.


Aughrim: The Annual Conference was well attended with a good representation of assemblies. H Andrews and D Radcliff gave challenging and encouraging teaching.

Ballylintagh: The attendance was excellent for the five nights of teaching given by R McKeown, with extra seating needed on the closing night. The consistent attendance and attentiveness of many teenage believers provides hope for the future of the testimony. The ministry concerning the "Judgment Seat of Christ" was both instructive and challenging, and the burden now is that God would give us all grace to embrace the teaching and implement it in our lives.

Coleraine: E Fairfield was present for five nights of ministry and considered how Luke, the beloved physician, gives us in his Gospel his perspective on the works and words of the great Physician. This resulted in helpful and interesting teaching being given, dealing with such areas of our lives as our phobias, our pride, our pain (emotional and physical), our pressures and our priorities. The Coleraine assembly appreciated the large attendance from the surrounding assemblies.

Gorteade: On 28th March, during the Saturday afternoon Ministry Meeting, W Martin and J Rogers gave helpful teaching. After the tea interval, a report was given on the Lord's work in Venezuela by S Redpath. Good support was given by the neighbouring assemblies.

Magheracorran: The Annual Conference was thought to be good and profitable with the hall well filled: M Turkington, T Wright, A Colgan, and M Radcliffe were the speakers.

Portstewart: The assembly appreciated the good attendance of believers from neighbouring assemblies. Practical teaching was given by J Hay on "The Will of God". A variety of Scriptures were used to both teach, and illustrate, not only the importance of this subject, but also the need to incorporate it into our daily lives.


Clones (Outreach County Cavan): During January/February Gary Woods has been engaged in door to door visitation in Cavan town and plans to continue this work into April/May. Gary also had Gospel Meetings in Redhills in Cavan during March. The meetings gave encouragement being well supported by the saints in the Clones assembly with a good response from the local community. During the meetings local villages of Ballyhaise, Butlers Bridge and Scotshouse were all visited door to door. Prayer is valued for the seed sown.


Monaghan Gospel Hall: The Annual Conference was held on 17th March in a local hotel. Large numbers attended from north and south of the border and the ministry was timely and profitable. The speakers were B Glendinning, M Turkington, W Boyd, D Gilliland, and S Nelson.



Some of the Messianic Psalms were under consideration in the Autumn/Winter series of the monthly North East Bible Studies 2014/15. On consecutive months the Bible Readings in the afternoons were on Psalms 2, 40, 91, 41, 22, and 69, being led by T Wilson, W Banks, S Grant, J Hay, I Steele and J Grant respectively. In the evenings most profitable ministry was given by each of these brethren. Their subjects were Psalm 117, Hebrews 2.5-8, and 2 Peter 1.1-11 over the closing months of 2014. On the morning of the January meeting two believers, a mother and son, passed into the presence of the Lord, and J Hay gave timely ministry on 2 Corinthians 5. In February I Steele spoke of the priestly ministry of the Lord Jesus in Hebrews, and in March J Grant described the work of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit in Eph 1.1-14. In each of the meetings there was good interest among the believers and rich blessing for their souls. At the Home Workers' Conference at North Shields in February, D Tinkler gave a report of his work in schools. The meeting was very informative and well attended and those present were given much material for prayer and intercession. The believers at Pallion Gospel Hall regularly visit a Care Home each month for hymn singing. Their weekly Coffee Mornings are well attended by regular visitors, one of whom has come to the Gospel Meeting in the hall most weeks. In February they held their Holiday Bible Club but numbers were down this time. However, the majority of those who came turned up every day and showed a real interest. The topic for the week was Israel's Journey through the Wilderness.


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