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Give me Two Minutes!

J Grant, Bridge of Weir

Young believer, give me two minutes! Not much of your time to ask, but enough to look at some of the most vital issues of life. It is long enough to assess whether or not you are on the way to being a failure in your Christian life.

No one enjoys being a failure. Think of the appearance of success which you like to display to others. In your studies and in your employment you want to be seen as successful. You set out on your career with the aim of realising your potential to the full. Is this true of your spiritual life?

Are you a young worldly believer? You go to the meetings, take part in some of the activities of the assembly, and consider that you are doing well. Your interests, however, are worldly. You like the cinema. You know more about TV programmes than you do about the Scriptures and much of your time is occupied with what the entertainment industry provides. Perhaps the sports scene has attracted you, and wasted hours are spent following the sporting "heroes" of the hour.

Are you a lazy believer? Attraction to worldly things is not your problem, it is just that you really cannot stir yourself to be interested in Scripture study or in taking any responsibility in the assembly. You are happy to let others do the work and leave you to waste precious days in slothful indifference.

Are you a materialistic believer? Some day in the future you hope to turn your attention to more important matters, but at the moment you have to make your mark in the world, build your career and have the financial "security" which you consider necessary.

Are you a slipping believer? Looking back over the past year or two you know that you have let spiritual things slip and that you are not enjoying Christian life as once you did.

There is so much in this age to grasp your attention that you must be fully aware of the dangers that you face. The world can creep into your life so slowly that you may be unaware of what is taking place. It may, however, come one day with such force that you are completely overwhelmed, or it may simply be the way of life you have always pursued.

But there is something much better for which all must aim. Christian life is not a dull, dreary existence, suffered as the price of avoiding a lost eternity. The Scriptures do not invite you to embrace a way of life which is boring and out of touch with reality.

Do you study the Word of God? Do you read it at any time? If not, you are robbing yourself of one of the great joys of life. The Book will always seem to be an out-of-date dry volume until you spend time with it. You will then find that it is addictive. Today we need young men and women who are prepared to put time and effort into getting to know the Scriptures. Do this, and your appetite for eternal things will increase.

Do you pray? It is not the easiest thing to do when days are busy, but time spent in prayer brings its own rewards. The Lord Jesus left an example of a prayerful life and He is worth imitating.

Do you take active part in the work of the assembly? Can you be relied on to be present when the assembly meets, or are you known for your absence?

You have only one life, and most set their course in the early years. You have opportunities today which will never occur again. You have the vigour of youth, and a fresh mind to fill with spiritual truth. The faculties that you have are given to be used in the service of the Lord and not to be squandered on what is profitless. Many young people today are already learning how much better life is when the Lord is put first. Join them now in this great lifetime journey of getting to know the God who has saved you. Start today by ridding your life of what is unprofitable. Follow the advice given to another young man and pray: "Speak, Lord; for thy servant heareth" (1 Sam 3.9).



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