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The Lord's Work & Workers


During the summer, once a month from May to September, Holburn Gospel Hall in Aberdeen held their Lord's Day Gospel Meeting in a large conservatory in a public park in the area. A considerable number of people visiting the park heard the Gospel, and many received literature. From 5th to 9th September, the assembly hosted Gordon McCracken's Bible Exhibition. Around 350 children from eight schools attended, were conducted round the Exhibition, and were taught what the Word of God reveals about Creation, God's dealings with mankind, and about the need for faith in Christ for salvation. Adults accompanied each school group, and it was gratifying to have them also come round the Exhibition. The children were given a copy of Mark's Gospel and other suitable items as they left. We look to God to bless these aspects of outreach.

The assembly at Culloden held a week of outreach at the start of August. With the help of some visitors from other assemblies, a large number of copies of John's Gospel were distributed, and very helpful ministry on the subject of personal evangelism was given by David Williamson and Paul McCauley. Please pray that the seed sown will bear fruit.

The assembly at Wick was encouraged during three weeks of Gospel Meetings in August and September, with David McKillen using a large chart each night to illustrate prophetic subjects. A fair number of unsaved folk came at least once, as well as believers from other places in the locality, with three or four people showing sustained interest. We are praying that God will work in them, if He has not done so already. The work on the doors was very encouraging, with around 5,000 - 6,000 invitations given out, many good conversations held, and many hits on a dedicated Facebook page, with dozens apparently listening to Gospel audio messages and reading literature. Please pray for Wick and the small assembly here. Visits from Stephen Grant and Graeme Paterson are scheduled in the near future when, among other things, they will be visiting local primary schools; a work that is fragile but gives much to encourage at present.

After leaving Wick, David McKillen visited the assemblies in Orkney, and gave helpful ministry to these small groups of believers.

At Glencraig in Fife, three weeks of Gospel Meetings were held once again this August in the tent pitched at Crosshill, with Craig Munro and Jack Hay preaching the Word. The interest from local people was so good that the meetings were continued for another week in the Gospel Hall.

On the last evening in September a very large company of believers of all age groups from many parts of the country met in the auditorium of a new school in Kirkcaldy to join with the Glencraig assembly in recognising the call of Craig and Hannah Munro and also Alasdair and Andrea Baijal to their full-time service for the Lord, being commended by the assembly to the grace of God in their exercise to serve Him in the UK and in South Africa respectively. It was an encouraging and challenging meeting as each of the brethren gave an account of how the Lord had led them to take this important step, concluding with sincere requests for continued prayer for them and their families in the unknown path ahead.



Ballycastle: D McGarvey concluded two weeks of Gospel Meetings in the Marine Hotel on 30th September. This is the second occasion on which David has tried this format in Ballycastle, and 40-60 attended, with quite a few from the area present each night. Many of these neighbours would never attend the Gospel Hall, so this worthwhile effort has encouraged the saints in this needy town.

Portrush: Robert Plant took his Gospel Trailer to the Airshow in September for the sixth consecutive year, and once again was given a prime location on the site. He was assisted by a small but dedicated team of younger brethren and sisters, who laboured over the weekend. It was estimated that over 200,000 people were in attendance during the two-day event, and nearly 10,000 tracts were handed out from the trailer. Please pray for the seed sown.


Cookstown: S Jennings had a week of ministry on the opening chapters of the Book of Genesis.

Sion Mills: S Gilfillan and L Craig had two weeks of well-attended Gospel Meetings during September. There was good interest in the preaching of the Gospel, and surrounding assemblies gave excellent help in their attendance and prayers.


Bangor, Central Hall: M Radcliffe was with the assembly for five nights of most encouraging and uplifting ministry from the lives of Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph.

Castlewellan: The Gospel Meetings in a portable hall, conducted by D Gilliland and J Rogers, have concluded, with some unusual and interesting cases attending. Invitations were distributed throughout Castlewellan, Kilcoo and Clough. The assembly, which is small, is looking to the Lord for blessing on the seed sown.

Drumlough: The Gospel Meetings conducted by N Fleck and G Woods continue at the end of September, with several unsaved attending. Prayer is requested for blessing in salvation.

Portavogie (Ebenezer): The Annual Conference on 10th September was well attended, with profitable and helpful ministry given by D Radcliffe, A Steele, A Colgan and W Martin.


Coleraine: The assembly was responsible for a week of Children's Meetings at the beginning of August in the village of Macosquin, with Robert Plant as the speaker. One dedicated couple in the village worked tirelessly to encourage children and parents, and excellent numbers attended. Please remember the needy village of Macosquin, and the Gospel preached during that week. It was a joy to hear that a man who had been attending meetings for some time in Portrush professed to be saved after the first night's meeting. Please pray that he will progress in the things of God, and that his wife and children will also be saved.


Bloomfield: The assembly had three excellent weeks of Gospel Meetings with W Fenton and A Steele in September. The Gospel was preached with great simplicity, sincerity and clarity each evening, and the Lord's presence and help were very much in evidence. A number of the unsaved folk present each evening were related to Christians, but there were also some local people, most of whom were brought by believers. One very encouraging aspect was the large number of teenagers from the area who came each Wednesday evening. This was the result of a lot of hard work and effort by all the youth workers. It is disappointing to have to record that there were no known conversions, and the assembly remains deeply concerned before the Lord that the Word of God, faithfully preached, will soon bring about the desired results with at least a few being saved.

Newtownbreda Gospel Hall: P McCauley and D Williamson were with the assembly for a four-week series of Gospel Meetings. The message of the Gospel was presented with clarity, directness and in a winsome manner. Christ, the Saviour, was exalted in the preaching. Encouraging numbers attended, though no confessions of salvation were known. The series was greatly enjoyed and appreciated by the assembly.

Sandringham: The short series of Gospel Meetings in the Hall at Eden, with Bobbie Eadie and Tom Meekin, was very encouraging. Unsaved strangers were in every night, and listened well. The assembly gave their full support in attendance both at the Gospel and at Prayer Meetings, and visitors from other assemblies also helped greatly. The village and surrounding district was covered with 3,000 invitations and tracts, and it was good to see some in simply as the result of receiving an invitation at the door - very rare these days. While no one told of being saved, we will continue to water the seed with our prayers, that blessing may yet result. This week we commenced our Children's Meetings for the winter season. Sunday School has also recommenced. It was nice to see some parents of the children at the recent meetings.


Collooney Gospel Hall: The believers here enjoyed a visit from brother David McKillen in June. He took up the topic of end-times, illustrated using a chart. Fifteen consecutive nights using a combined Gospel/ministry approach resulted in a good number of local visitors attending, both saved and unsaved. To follow up on this interest, brother Elton Fairfield paid a recent weekend visit, taking up the topic of the Holy Spirit. The saints were refreshed by the ministry, and encouraged by the number of contacts who returned.


Stephen Baker had two weeks of Gospel Meetings at Northampton. Like everywhere else, it was hard to get people to talk about their soul or to come into meetings. In the second week, however, two or three unsaved folk came each night, brought by local believers. The Open Air Meetings in Liverpool City Centre continue to provide many opportunities to share the Gospel, and permission has been obtained to put up a stall in Huyton Town Centre on a Friday afternoon. In August Stephen had a week in Leicestershire with the York Street Gospel Hall Camp. At the end of the summer there was an encouraging week with 40 children coming along, and six or seven parents each night.  This was followed by a week of Open Air Meetings in St Helens, where many people heard the Gospel during the week. Prayer for all this work is appreciated.

At Wallingford, Michael Penfold had a week of ministry in September (using a prophetic chart) with a good interest. 

Local brethren conducted two weeks of Gospel Meetings in Bedminster Road Gospel Hall, Bristol, in September. Prayer is requested for the seed faithfully sown. 

At Harehills, Leeds, a week of Gospel Meetings in September taken by local brethren saw an encouraging number of local people coming into the Hall to hear the Gospel preached.

Norman Mellish stayed on at Abergavenny after the September conference for a couple of nights of appreciated ministry.


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