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The Lord's Work & Workers


North East

Once again the assembly in Buckie held a Holiday Club during the October school holidays. Richard Smith from Bridge of Weir was the speaker, and nearly 120 children heard the Gospel message over the course of the week. The parents’ evening on the Friday was very well attended, and in total 209 people were in the Hall, many of them for the first time. It was lovely to see the working fellowship among local believers, and the assembly greatly appreciated the help of believers from Cullen. May the Lord of the harvest give the increase.

At the similar annual Children’s Bible Week in Peterhead, interest continued from previous years with 60-80 children attending daily. The Gospel was presented clearly by local brethren, and a good number of unbelievers were among the parents who came to the concluding meeting. Over the week new contacts were made, and we leave the results with the Lord, looking to Him for blessing to follow.


On a Thursday evening at the beginning of October in Glencraig Gospel Hall, Craig Munro gave an account of his call to serve the Lord to a personally invited group of former colleagues. It was gratifying to see a large number of influential men and women from educational and government circles listening to the clear Gospel message included in his presentation. Many expressed appreciation and showed an interest, and Craig is following up some genuine enquiries.

The assembly at Ladybank arranged a special meeting on the last Saturday night in October for Graeme Paterson to give his presentation of a story from World War 1 based on the two VCs which William Coltman was awarded for sacrificial heroism. In a most effective and seamless way the Gospel was brought to those who came as a result of 5,500 invitations distributed to homes in central Fife. More than half of the audience of around 65 were from outwith the assembly, and some new contacts have been made to follow up. This complements their weekly youth outreach and their regular coffee morning, to which around 25 older people always come and listen attentively to a short Gospel message.

West Scotland

The Linwood assembly had two weeks of Gospel Meetings in their Hall at the end of September, with Craig Munro preaching. Some unbelievers came each evening and heard a clear and Christ-centred Gospel message. Some showed a definite interest, which is being followed up by local believers.

End of Year Activities

December brings the opportunity for us all once again to get involved in distributing in our communities hundreds of thousands of Christmas tracts and booklets, and tens of thousands of 2017 Gospel calendars. There are plenty of good ones to choose from. Christmas Carol Services will bring into Gospel Halls many local people who are less willing to come at other times. As they listen to the Gospel carefully and faithfully presented, pray that minds and hearts will be opened to the Saviour’s call. Contacts already established in local institutions, ranging from Primary Schools to Care Homes for the elderly, can be built on, and efforts made to show kindness and care to the homeless and destitute in many of our towns and cities.

Secularists and humanists want to obliterate any reference to the advent of the Saviour, and commercial interests smother it in their exaggerated drive to sell things. Believers saved by His grace want to focus on it, and can effectively use this month to remind others about it, while we gratefully and actively remember His coming to Bethlehem and to Calvary every week of the year.

N Ireland & Republic of Ireland


Ballyclare: Gospel Meetings commenced on 23rd October with J Rogers and A Steele. Numbers attending have been most encouraging, with some local people coming. There has also been support from neighbouring assemblies in bringing unsaved family members. The greater Ballyclare area has been visited, and tracts and invitations given out. We look to the Lord for blessing in salvation.

Ballymoney: The assembly has been greatly encouraged by the number of local people who came to hear the Gospel during the recent Gospel Meetings which took place in the Town Hall. God’s Word was faithfully and clearly preached each night, and much Gospel literature was distributed before and during the meetings. We look to God to bless.

Ballyvaddy: The assembly enjoyed a week of encouraging and practical ministry from Michael Penfold on aspects of the life of Paul. The meetings were well supported by local assemblies, and were much appreciated. Brother Sam Ferguson also gave a very interesting report of his early labours in the Gospel in N Ireland, on Friday 28th October.

Ballywatermoy Gospel Hall: The assembly had four nights of ministry in October, conducted by Elton Fairfield, dealing with subjects relating to ‘The Body’ from Romans 12. Aiming to motivate the young to live for the glory of God, the teaching was most challenging to all. The meetings were well attended, and greatly appreciated.

Broomhedge Gospel Hall: The assembly enjoyed a short series of Gospel Meetings recently, and appreciated the presence of saints from surrounding assemblies. Attractive invitations were distributed from door to door in the locality, and unsaved visitors attended most evenings. This was particularly encouraging, as we have just completed the purchase of a site and commissioned an architect to design our new Hall. The Gospel was clearly presented by D McGarvey, and we look to the Lord for blessing.

Derriaghy: Gospel Meetings commenced in the new Hall on 16th October, with J Fleck and W Martin. Attendance is good, with some believers bringing their unsaved family members. A few have come from the locality but, generally, the response has been disappointing.

Larne (Craigyhill) Gospel Hall: W Martin had four profitable and helpful nights of ministry from 10th to 13th October. The ministry covered the foundational and fundamental truths of Salvation, Baptism and Gathering to the Lord’s Name.


Kilmore Gospel Hall: B Currie and J Palmer continue from 20th October in a Gospel effort, with good support from surrounding assemblies.

Tassagh Gospel Hall: Gospel Meetings are now in their fourth week with good attendance, including some strangers. Speakers are M Turkington and D Strahan.


Ballymagarrick: The assembly had a very good week of Children’s Meetings, conducted by J Hawthorne. The attendance increased throughout the week, with a very good number of parents present on the final night.

Banbridge: The assembly had five nights of very profitable ministry, with D McAllister, on the last three chapters of Ephesians.

Dromore: C Beresford was with the assembly for five nights, speaking on ‘References to Israel in the Book of Romans’. The well-attended meetings were both helpful and instructive.

Portavogie: The New Road assembly was much encouraged by ministry given by W Martin on ‘The Life of Joseph’.

Shanaghan: The Annual Conference was well attended, and much-appreciated ministry was given by D Gilliland, T Wright, G Woods, A Davidson, B Glendinning, S Nelson and E Fairfield.


Bellaghy Gospel Hall: The assembly had a Report Meeting with U Ussher (Venezuela) which was enlightening regarding the state of the country, yet also encouraging as far as the Gospel is concerned.

Gortade: The assembly had two weeks of Gospel Meetings in the village of Upperlands during October, where the preaching was shared by local brethren. A good number of local people attended.

Killykergan Gospel Hall: The assembly enjoyed a week of well-supported Ministry Meetings with U Ussher (Venezuela), along with a report of the Lord’s work.

Straid: Approximately 300 people attended the Belmont Bible Exhibition, which was set up in a Community Centre in Burnfoot, near Dungiven. The event, which took place from 10th to 15th October, was considered to be profitable. David McAllister was also with the assembly for four nights of Bible Readings on the Epistle to Titus, when the Word was faithfully taught. It was encouraging to see a number who are not in assembly fellowship attending, as well as those from other assemblies.


Monaghan Gospel Hall: Gospel Meetings started on 6th November with G Woods and D Armstrong. Much prayer will be valued.


Donemana: The Annual Conference was held on 13th October. Attendance was good, and the speakers were A Davidson, D Rogers, D McAllister, B Martin, B Glendinning and J Fleck.

Lungs: The Annual Conference on 1st October was well attended, and the gathering heard profitable ministry from S Gilfillan, D McAllister, G Woods and D Radcliffe. The assembly also had four weeks of Gospel Meetings in October in the Corick House Hotel (kindly granted) with S Gilfillan. The believers were encouraged by the very good attendance of those who lived in the local community, and people not previously familiar with hearing the Gospel attended well each night. Local assemblies gave excellent support, which was greatly appreciated.

England, Wales & Channel Islands

A second Seed Sowers Weekend from 23rd to 25th September on Tyneside proved to be a great encouragement to all who participated. A pack containing a customised John 3.16 text, a response card and an invitation to meetings was distributed to approximately 20,000 homes. Believers from England, Scotland, Northern and Southern Ireland, Spain, Bulgaria, Moldova, the USA and Canada joined a good number of locals for two days of distribution and fellowship, with Bible teaching by David Williamson from Belfast. Ross Vanstone from Canada reported on the worldwide work of Seed Sowers, and encouraged everyone by his enthusiastic contribution to the local distribution effort. In two distinct areas centred around the local assemblies at Bensham and Forest Hall, 10,000 to 12,000 texts were given out. Both assemblies were very thankful to all who made the effort to come and help. Contacts have already been made through the website, and these are being followed up. Please pray that many will come to know the Lord Jesus through the Seed that has been sown, encouraging the local saints to keep reaching out to this large and needy area.

The 21st annual Yorkshire Bible Study Week was again held at Sneaton Castle Centre, Whitby, with over 70 people from many parts of the UK in attendance. Ian Jackson led Bible Readings in James 3-5, and ministered on the impact of the risen Christ in the believer’s life. The helpful teaching and warm fellowship were much appreciated.

Bicester: A challenging ministry weekend with J Dennison (USA) drew good numbers and provoked a positive response. A Barber also conducted a week of children’s meetings recently. A new ESL work has commenced which has attracted good numbers of Eastern Europeans. One lady recently saved from a Polish background has been received into fellowship.

Upper Hill St, Coventry: The saints were cheered when a young man, who has since been baptised, professed salvation after a recent Gospel Meeting.

London: N Patel continues a thriving work among children from a Hindu background in Wembley with two Children’s Meetings each Saturday. J Black, helped by others, is working his way around all the tube stations in London, having an Open Air Meeting at a different one each Thursday. Sadly, at every station there are ‘Jehovah’s Witnesses’ present every day of the week.

Rugby, Bexleyheath and Spencer Bridge Rd, Northampton: Children’s Meetings during the half-term week saw a good response. Good interest is being shown, especially among children with Eastern European and West Indian backgrounds.

Wallingford: Paul McCauley had two weeks of Gospel Meetings with good numbers present to hear the Word. The assembly also held a baptism recently for a young believer.


Ian Rees continues working with the relatively new assembly at Tenby, where there are now 13 believers in fellowship. He preaches there nearly every Lord’s Day evening, and is seeking to nurture and develop some local gift. The growth of some in their Christian faith has been encouraging. They are still waiting upon the Lord regarding other premises in which to meet.


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