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Tell me more about the Gospel, Second Edition, by Bert Cargill; published by and available from John Ritchie Ltd; 105 pages. Price £7.99. (9781909803701)

This second edition of Tell me more about the Gospel takes account of feedback from readers of the first edition; the author believes it is easier to read and to translate than the first edition. The Tell me more… series is used in the English-speaking world, and has been translated into Bemba, Setswana, Armenian, Tamil and Sinhala. The Preface acknowledges that the author was influenced by Foundation Truths of the Gospel, a book written by John Ritchie of Scotland, and first published in 1893. That book was written for an English-speaking world but the Publishers' intention is that the Tell me more… series could be read "especially by those whose first language is not English". This worthy objective has been achieved.

Each chapter of Tell me more about the Gospel concludes with issues that may have arisen in the reader's mind, and gives the author's answers. The questions are all meaningful and are answered clearly and succinctly. Among the subjects dealt with are: What does it mean to be saved by fire? Will the sins of believers be dealt with at the Judgment Seat of Christ? Is it possible for a Christian to be possessed by a demon? Was Paul afraid of being lost when he spoke of being "a castaway" at 1 Corinthians 9.27?

Also of value in Tell me more about the Gospel is the guidance for further study and Points to Remember. A helpful Index is also provided.

The 105-page book comprises twelve chapters addressing key words including, "saved", "born again", "converted", "redeemed", "justified", and "sanctified", as well as the word "gospel" itself. Every Christian needs to understand the meanings of these words, most of which are not regularly taught even in the assemblies of God's people. Tell me more about the Gospel should be of value to those who are not yet numbered among the saved of the Lord, and to those recently saved.


The Arrows of the Almighty by M H Finlay; published by and available from John Ritchie Ltd; 80 pages. Price £5.99. (9781909803664)

The earliest edition of this book the reviewer has traced was published by Moody Press in 1963. It is always helpful to know when a book was first available - in many instances the year of publication might explain why an author wrote on a particular theme. However, in this instance the issues treated in a book sub-titled "A devotional study of the character of Job" are subjects that arise in every generation. These the author handles carefully in way that reveals not only Job's character but also a great deal of the wisdom and compassion of the God Job served, and this he presents to the reader in beautifully uncomplicated prose.

Despite the length of the actual book of Job – 42 chapters – this slim volume of 80 pages provides a valuable introduction to a complex and important Old Testament book, one which many consider to be the oldest in the canon of Scripture. The author treats of the context of the book of Job, wholly unseen to Job himself, in a way that provides a wide canvas that even the first readers could not have imagined. We find the Almighty God pointing Satan to a godly man, to whom, and for whose own good, Satan is allowed access in order to test him to limits we find daunting, if not frightening. The Holy Spirit has provided insight into that godly man being tried. We meet Job as he assesses his predicament, we hear the accusing tones of those who would have claimed to be his friends, and we weigh the different approach of the enigmatic Elihu. Only then do we hear God's answer. In handling these themes, The Arrows of the Almighty analyses a question with which young and old struggle – why do the godly suffer?

In his introductory chapter, Finlay describes Job as the target of "the fiery darts of the wicked" that are "transmuted by grace into 'the arrows of the Almighty'". He owns that the arrows are "painful without doubt but effecting blessed results" in the experience of the patriarch. The author's conclusions show us trials working for us under the watchful eye of the God of all grace.



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