If I could only see it with my eyes, to glimpse within the emptiness of space,
To listen at the door with glad surprise, and hear the counsel of eternal grace,
To stand before Thy voice would ever fill the void that would my habitation be,
To see the very carving of Thy will, and marvel that Thou ever wanted me.
If I could only see the baby's face, to gaze upon the fashion of my kind,
To stand upon the pre-appointed place, and there the greatest gift of mercy find,
To be amongst the wanderers from afar, to lay the paltry tokens of my love,
To have my vision taken from the star and laid upon the Son of thy great love.
If I could only be within the walls, to see the form of one by torment bound,
To witness as the awful burden falls and crushes Him in sorrow on the ground,
To take the cup into His trembling hand, and drain the dregs of bitterness and woe,
To yield to what His God above has planned, and walk the path that He has laid below.
If I could only stand beside the flame and watch the wheels of justice fail to turn,
To hear the bitter shunning of His Name, and there the depths of His forsaking learn,
To hear the tragic cockerel give her sound, to see the toppling pillars of His own,
To watch the mighty bulls beset Him round, and see the Saviour standing there alone.
If I could only see the hosts on high and understand how such restraint could be,
And why their wings did not o'erspread the sky, above the centre cross at Calvary,
And if my eyes could strain to see within, the blackness of the night that day would know,
Oh would the heavy burden of my sin, upon the face of Him who bore it show.
If I could only be within the tomb, to lie myself beside His fragrant head,
To be within the stillness of the gloom and spend a fleeting moment with the dead,
To lose a Friend that softly would depart, to see the very linen shimmer free,
To feel the blessed rapture in my heart: my Lord has gained a wondrous victory.
But I will surely see Him on that day, and stand a trophy of eternal grace,
To have His blessed fingers wipe away the tears that once did course upon my face,
To bow my heart in praise and gladly fall upon my knees and there at last to see
And know the blessed meaning of it all: His smile will fully show it then to me.