By This Conquer by Andrew Borland; published by, and available from, John Ritchie Ltd; 232 pages. Price £8.99. (9781907731822)
By This Conquer continues Ritchie’s Classic Reprint series. Subtitled ‘Studies in the Epistle to the Philippians’, it is a verse-by-verse commentary that will prove helpful to a wide age range of readers. The name Andrew Borland was associated with Believer’s Magazine for more than three decades, and he was Editor of the Magazine for most of that period. All who remember his editorial precision will not be disappointed by his elegant prose in By This Conquer. The clarity of his writing will also be appreciated by a wider 21st century readership.
In his Foreword, the author modestly suggests that this book contains “nothing new”; he claims to leave that to “more scholarly and more original thinkers”. Yet his exposition of Philippians is much more than a re-working of other writers’ interpretations, and he parts company with many in his approach to Philippians 3.11-12. His defence of Christ’s Person, as presented in Philippians 2, is trenchant. He states clearly his defence of both the Lord’s deity and His humanity and, in so doing, he opposes emphatically those who try to have one foot in the camp that would dare to present ‘a fallible Christ’, and the other in a more fundamentalist camp. He strips aside their veneer of reverence to Christ to expose their desire to have “a non-miraculous Jesus … that leads to a purely legendary Christ.”
The chapters of By This Conquer were originally published in a monthly magazine, so every verse is not covered in the same level of detail. Many younger readers will be encouraged by the brevity of the chapters – 30 chapters are covered in 232 pages. By This Conquer is a good choice for Ritchie’s Classic Reprint Series. To those familiar with his writing, it is Andrew Borland at his best. To others who never heard him preach, or who may not have had opportunity to read his articles or books, By This Conquer will provide an introduction to an author who proved helpful to many in past generations.
Tom Wilson
Tell me more about the Holy Spirit by Jack Hay; edited by Bert Cargill; published by, and available from, John Ritchie Ltd; 44 pages. Price £4.99. (9781907731594)
This is the fifth book in the Tell me more about … series, prepared for young believers who are seeking to learn the fundamentals of “the faith … once delivered unto the saints” (Jude v 3). The writer is conscious of his diverse readership, so “complicated sentences and difficult words” are noticeably absent.
The book has four chapters – The Holy Spirit and His Work; The Holy Spirit and the Believer; The Holy Spirit and the Church; and The Gifts of the Holy Spirit – Tongues and other Miraculous Signs. These are important aspects of truth relating to the Holy Spirit that believers must grasp if they are to make progress in their understanding of the Bible, and are to appreciate the great blessings into which they have been brought. Each of the chapters concludes with a helpful summary of key points, and guidance as to further study. The author begins chapter 1 with a consideration of the word ‘trinity’; a word that Unitarian writers oppose so vehemently. He emphasises that that “there is one God” (1 Tim 2.5), and outlines the Scriptural revelation of three Persons without reverting to ancient creeds, with which few readers would be familiar.
Tell me more about the Holy Spirit also includes clear statements about other areas of controversy such as the sign gifts of the Holy Spirit. The author distinguishes Biblical terms that are often confused, such as the baptism in the Spirit, the filling of the Spirit, and speaking with tongues. Clarity is a marked feature of this helpful publication.
Tom Wilson