Day by day it is the habit of most Christians to give thanks for the spiritual blessings and daily mercies they enjoy. Never could they forget to thank God for His unspeakable gift, nor for His goodness and mercy which follow them. David could give thanks as he thought of the Lords kindness through all the days of his life (2 Sam 22.50). They had been days full of testing, but he had proved God to be his rock, his fortress, his shield, and his deliverer from all his enemies.
Gods daily mercies are for us all. His sun shines upon the field of both just and unjust. How often do we remember to lift up our hearts to God for His mercy to those who rise to face the day, who eat their food, who reap their crops, who enjoy good health without any thanks to the Giver of all good gifts? How often do we remember to thank God for righteous decisions and wise policies enacted by the powers that be?
Those uplifted hands of Moses, seen by God on the hill top, won the victory (Ex 17.12). Weary work it will always be, but may our hands be kept steady until the going down of the sun. Let us heed the words of that great Christian statesman to pray and give praise for all men, and "for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty" (1 Tim 2.1-2).