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Change of Address

Albert Aiken, Faith House, 25 Orpen Park, Belfast BT10 0BN.

Mr & Mrs P Harding, 9 Penkiln Court, Minnigaff, Newtonstewart, Wigtownshire DG8 6AQ.


For audio requirements in your assembly e.g. P.A. systems, induction loop for hard of hearing, radio mics, as well as video data projectors, screens etc. Alex Borthwick 01383 726072 or www.acav.co.uk.

Holburn Gospel Hall: 220 Holburn Street, Aberdeen. With effect from 5th October the Breaking of Bread meeting will commence at 10.00am and continue until 11.15am. Following a 30 minute break the ministry meeting will be from 11.45am to 12.30pm. The times of other meetings are unchanged.

Knockanboy Gospel Hall, Longford, Ireland: Change of meeting times. Breaking of Bread, Lord’s Day at 11.00am. Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading, Thursday at 8.00pm.

Perth Gospel Hall: The Perth assembly is now meeting in temporary accommodation at 14 New Row, Perth, PH1 5QA. It is about 100m north of the Perth Library. The Mid-week meeting is now at 7.30pm on Monday evenings while other meeting times are unchanged. Please call Herbert Brooks 01738 553077 or Raymond McGahie 01738 628888 for more details.

Portstewart: 5 bedroom house to let for students, from September to May. Bus stop at end of Avenue. Contact: 02820731258 or 07787794790.

Redcar: Students continuing their studies on Teesside would be very welcome to join us at Redcar Gospel Hall. See www.redcargospelhall.org.uk for details; e-mail: mikeoakes@ntlworld.com.

To Let: 3 bedroom detached bungalow, Station Road, Portstewart. Summer months plus student let from September. Tel: 02837526207 or 07818097023.

Student Let: Two bedrooms in a newly renovated 4 bedroom house off Tates Avenue, Belfast. Available immediately or from September 2008. Tel: 02837526207 or 07818097023.

Wanted: Books, 19th Century including tracts and periodicals. Tel: 028 77722908.

Wanted: Authorised Version Bibles and Testaments, new or secondhand, for needy Christians and anxious souls in West Africa. J Ritchie, 3 Strath Peffer, Law, Carluke ML8 5SQ. Tel: 01698 374071.

Wanted: Copies of "The Believer’s Magazine" and "The Witness" pre-1950 only. Tel: 02881662569.

Holiday Homes

Cleveleys: Lochinvar Christian Guesthouse warmly welcomes the Lord’s people for a quiet relaxing holiday. Happy fellowship, free transport to Cleveleys assembly. Pensioners discounts during October. Group deals. Tel: 01253 351761. Visit www.lochinvar-christianholidays.co.uk.

Portstewart: Luxury holiday accommodation, sleeps 7. Excellent sea view, 2 minutes drive to beach. Contact S&T Moore, 028 70353300 or 028 70835544.

Windermere: Luxury self-catering apartments sleeping 2-6, set in beautiful, peaceful grounds. Central heating, fully equipped. Car parking. Open all year. Brochure from Mrs M Robinson, Packway House, Crook Road, Windermere, Cumbria LA23 3NE. Tel: (015394) 43532.

Yorkshire Bible Study Week (residential): October 27th-31st, 2008 (God willing) at Sneaton Castle Centre, Whitby. Ministry and Bible Readings conducted by Phil Coulson. Family friendly. For full details contact Philip Kaye on 01484 865112 or email: Kayephilip@aol.com.


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