Charity Registration No. 1077591
The Angolan Literature Fund was established in September, 1998 with the aim of furthering the gospel, providing literature for the edifying of believers, and making the Scriptures available in Angola.
Over the years since the Fund has been established it has been able to equip and maintain two small printing works in Luanda, the capital, and in Saurimo, capital of the Lunda Sul province. These printing works are operated by national Angolan Christians who are able to gain a limited wage from the work they produce. Although the facilities are not large, they have proved to be sufficient in maintaining and supporting the various aspects of the activities of the local assemblies and missionaries. Small Bible commentaries, Emmaus courses and gospel tracts are all printed on site and made available to the people at reduced prices. This has proved to be an invaluable addition to the work of the spread of the gospel.
In addition, the Fund has been able to finance the reprint of 20,000 Chokwe Bibles, and recently 24,000 Portuguese Bibles have been purchased from Brazil and are now available in various locations within Angola. Much sound literature has been bought and sent to Angola, giving many who wish to study Scripture the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the Lord and His Word. 2,000 copies of William MacDonalds Believers Bible Commentary in Portuguese have been procured and are proving to be a great blessing and help to many. Recent additions to the helpful books that the Fund has been able to supply this year have been William MacDonalds excellent book, Be Holy - the Forgotten Command, and The Feasts of Jehovah. Little by little the Fund has been able to increase the selection of sound commentaries available to those who are seeking to know the truth of Gods Word.
The current literature projects being undertaken by the Fund include the reprinting of Umbundu Hymnbooks (30,000 copies), and the Chokwe Hymnbook (10,000 copies). The sourcing of a large number of Bible dictionaries and encyclopaedias in the Portuguese language is a priority in an endeavour to help meet the constant thirst for Bible study aids amongst the younger generation who have been educated in the Portuguese language. It is of particular encouragement that the desire of some to overthrow Biblical principles amongst Gods people has caused many to turn to the Scriptures and seek to know His will. Like modern day Bereans they search the Scriptures daily "whether those things were so" (Acts 17.11), and have the desire to "obey God rather than men" (Acts 5.29). What a privilege and a responsibility it is to provide them with the tools they need.
Great efforts are made by the missionaries and some national believers to take literature into areas far from strategic towns and cities where hundreds of local assemblies are seeking to maintain a witness for the Lord. Although this is not easy due to logistical problems, there is always immense gratitude from believers who otherwise would have no access to literature.
The Ritchie series Focus On is currently being translated into Portuguese and Chokwe and when printed these will be a blessing to many who seek simple explanations about baptism, the assurance of salvation, and the Lords Supper, amongst other important truths.
The Trustees acknowledge the gracious provision of the Lord in enabling the Fund to contribute towards His great work in Angola in so many ways. They value the prayers of the Lords people that the Fund may continue to be a blessing to many Angolans, and that the literature provided might be used for the building up of Gods people and the salvation of many souls.
For more information, please feel free to contact any of the Trustees: A Griffiths (Eastbourne); B Howden (Helions Bumpstead); V Michael (Maidenhead); R Wood (Plymouth); M Horlock (Cardiff).