The End Times by Herman A Hoyt; published by BMH Books; available from John Ritchie Ltd; 256 pages; price £8.99.
The End Times, first published by Moody Bible Institute in 1969, was re-issued by BMH Books in 2000. In his Preface, the author describes it as "scarcely more than a handbook on Biblical Eschatology," which he defines as "a discussion or doctrine" of last things. He was President Emeritus of Grace Theological Seminary, so not surprisingly he deals systematically with the end times.
Unlike many books dealing with Biblical prophecy, among the early chapters of Hoyts 256-page treatise are two long chapters dealing with death (16 pages) and the intermediate state (16 pages). He does deal in other chapters with the Rapture, Antichrist, the Great Tribulation, the Millennial Kingdom, Judgement and the Eternal State. The inclusion of a detailed discussion on death and the intermediate state - the period between the death of a saint and the resurrection - is to be welcomed.
Some interesting issues arise in those two chapters. The author sees the effects of the curse produce a limitation of the patriarchs lifespan initially to 120 years and then to 70 years. He offers no explanation of the phenomenon he describes. Nor does he explain why that effect did not continue to reduce further mans life expectancy. He also makes no reference in this connection to the effect on animals. Similarly, in dealing with the intermediate state, he stirs controversy. He claims a number of Scriptures "strongly intimate" that "every saved person is clothed with an intermediate body," but quotes only 2 Corinthians 5.1, ASV. Recognising that in that verse the adjective "eternal" seems in conflict with the temporary nature of the "intermediate body" he asserts that "this (intermediate) body is finally merged with the resurrection body at the time of the resurrection." Controversially, Hoyt interprets 1 Peter 3.18-19 as Christ making an authoritative pronouncement in Hades.
The End Times is "more than a handbook on Biblical Eschatology" and assumes familiarity with Scriptures.
The Fragrance of Christ in the Levitical Offerings by Joe S Philip; published by Gospel Folio Press; available from John Ritchie Ltd; 96 pages; price £7.99.
The five Levitical Offerings: the burnt offering, meal offering, peace offering, sin offering, and trespass offering beautifully typify all aspects of the sacrificial death of the Lord Jesus Christ upon dark Golgothas lonely hill.
In the Introduction R K Campbells description of the offerings is quoted: "They are like so many mirrors arranged around the Lord and the cross so that each one reflects a special view of His Person and work".
Joe Philip not only presents the doctrinal aspects of the Levitical Offerings as connected to the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ, but also practical duties and responsibilities relevant to the daily life of the Christian.
The burnt offering is considered under the following headings: The Burnt Offering as the Will of God; Identifying with the Sacrifice; The Whole and the Parts; Are You Eager to Know Gods Will for Your Life? Our Lives as a Sacrifice to God. In this last section the author emphasises that "God expects from us a life that is surrendered to His will and occupied in the act of worship".
The Old Testament passages relating to the offerings are extensively quoted in the text for easy reference. At the end of each study there is a helpful summary that encapsulates the main thrust of the specific offering being considered.
In the chapter on the sin offering the author shows that "We are brought face to face with the awful reality of a sin-stricken world". Throughout the book the truth of Gods Word is applied to the unbeliever as well as to the believer, with pertinent questions such as, "Have you found forgiveness in the blood of Christ?".
A helpful brief Appendix of "Bible Verses for Assurance of your Salvation" is found at the end of a book that will certainly nourish the spiritual life of the believer in the Lord Jesus Christ.