Creations Story by Robert W Cargill; published by and available from John Ritchie Ltd; 142 pages; price £6.99.
Creations Story provides in a more permanent form and for a wider audience articles that appeared in the Believers Magazine during 2007 and 2008. The articles created a good deal of interest for several reasons, not least the authors clear uncomplicated presentation of truth in areas where so often a lay person is left bewildered. As the Foreword to Creations Story comments: "It is valuable to have put in simple - but not simplistic - terms" the technical and scientific arguments involved in debates about the universe and about life.
The 142-page paperback is divided into four parts. The first provides an interesting overview of the Creation from its beginning to the time when the Creation we know will be folded up as a garment (Heb 1.12) and God ushers in a new heaven and a new earth (Rev 21.1). It also deals with the world, as we know it now - "a groaning creation". The five chapters of Part 2 deal with the Genesis account of creation which the Spirit of God has been pleased to place in the Scriptures. Part 3 takes account of "unique and amazing things" that faith can grasp. Part 4, which offers some conclusions, underscores again the work of the great Designer and distinguishes between the place of Scripture and science in the believers life.
The scope of Creations Story is wide-ranging: so too is its appeal. The author deals with several aspects of creation and provides food for thought to all ages. The reviewer particularly values the reminder of the unique liquid that water is. Rightly the author stresses that revelation comes from God and for that we turn to the Scriptures, but he does encourage us to wonder at the Creation that declares Gods "eternal power and Godhead" (Rom 1.20). As militant atheism grows bolder, Creations Story needs to be told.
The Gospel and Its Ministry by Sir Robert Anderson; published 2008 by and available from John Ritchie Ltd; 213 pages; price £6.99.
This book is one of the volumes in the Classic Reprint Series.
In the Preface the author draws attention to the martyrs who "braved death in every form". He applies their example to the present day by stating, "We are not called upon to wear the martyrs crown, but it is ours to share the martyrs faith. We can have no toleration for the veiled skepticism which is passing for Christianity today". It is in this spirit that The Gospel and Its Ministry is written. It is a book designed to confirm faith.
Sir Robert Anderson focuses upon the doctrine of the gospel. The book is divided into two sections. The first section deals with the following subjects: Grace; The Cross; Faith; Repentance and The Spirits Work; Election; Substitution; Righteousness; Sanctification; Reconciliation. The second section presents studies on Justification by Faith; Justification by Works; Justification by Blood; Holiness and Sanctification; Cleansed by Blood; The Priesthood of Christ; Atonement; The Godhood of God.
The author utilises poetry at strategic points. In the chapter on Repentance and The Spirits Work there is a lengthy poem on "The Prodigals Return". In the chapter on Grace there is another poem of 25 verses entitled "The Night of The Betrayal". Here is a stirring verse that sets the scene:
Alone His steadfast eye
Can cleave the rolling gloom,
Where that dread sentence flames on high,
The sinners death of doom.
At the end of the book there is an Appendix that delineates three important points in relation to the miracles. This is followed by notes on various Greek words and a concluding brief consideration of "The Fatherhood of God". There is also an Index, plus a list of Passages of Scripture Explained. Such meticulous attention to detail is to be expected from such an able author as Sir Robert Anderson.
The Gospel and Its Ministry will prompt the reader to marvel at the wonders of the gospel.