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Into All The World: Camundambala School, Angola

Ruth Hadley

With the recent visit of Jonathan Singleton we have been able to make good progress with the school. It is in an L-shape and I couldn’t figure how to do the joists for the corner of the L and so the work had stopped. Jonathan quickly took over and worked out how to do it. I had several groups of men off in the bush cutting wood. There is a very hard wood out here which we call locally mushi, a dark hardwood not unlike mahogany. The termites, one of the pests of Africa, don’t seem able to penetrate it too quickly and it is very good for all structures that need wood. Although there is always other timber on sale on the large open markets you can never buy this particular type. I have had a group of four men out in the bush this last year cutting it, but their progress is slow (some sixty timbers in the last six months), so with Jonathan out and everything moving at a fast rate I quickly got another two groups out into the bush to keep him supplied. Praise God, before he left we had the timber structure all but made and one side of the roof completed. The workmen now have the confidence to complete all but the back corner which we’ll wait to do when Jonathan visits Angola again in the will of the Lord. It will mean that at least two of the new classrooms will be ready for the new school year and the other two not lagging far behind.

We are now putting in the windows and the doors and working on the verandah at the front which gives a place for the classes to line up and have their daily assemblies out of the heat of the sun, as well as the rain in the rainy season. The cost of the roof, including the cost of timber, roofing sheets, nails, bolts, metal, and labour, has been met and we have resources to pay for the rendering of the internal walls and painting them. I had previously bought the windows and doors but didn’t want to put them in until the roof was on.

The children have all been registered for the new school year pushing our numbers up to about 400 pupils. What a privilege to have this number of children in our care for six-seven years to teach them the Word of God, as well as give them a good basic education. How I pray that in years to come many of these may prove to be solid believers in our assemblies through Chokweland.

Most of our key elders and leaders and faithful believers today are those who came through the mission schools at Luma, Biula, and Boma in past years. They have withstood the myriad temptations that have come through communism, civil war, and now the materialism of peacetime. We now have a missing generation due to the war, but how we pray that the Lord will touch and challenge these children to be bright testimonies to their own generation if the Lord be not come.



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