Dr Stephen Allen, on 12th January. Stephen was diagnosed on his 40th birthday with terminal cancer and for 15 months was an inspiration to all who came into contact with him. He bore witness to the reality of his salvation and the peace that came with it in helping him cope during his illness with tremendous courage. Saved as a boy of 10 he was later received into fellowship in Cloughfern assembly and on his marriage to Sarah (Meekin) spent some time in Lower Windsor and Edenderry assemblies before moving to Sandringham some years ago. Rising to the top ranks in his profession as a Cardiac Anaesthetist in recent years, he did not allow this to hinder him in his devotion to the assembly and his interest in spiritual things. He died suddenly but very peacefully at home and his funeral, from Glengormley Gospel Hall, was one of the largest ever seen in the area. It bore witness to the high regard in which he was held both among the Christians and also among his professional colleagues. He was to the end a powerful and effective testimony for God. The funeral service was shared by I Gordon, D Gilpin, W McBride, J Hamilton, R McKeown, his two brothers Drew and Graeme and his father-in-law T Meekin. Prayer is valued for his wife Sarah, children Timothy (13) and Caitlin (7) and the wider family circle including his father Jim Allen (formerly Malaysia), step-mother Hilary and his in-laws Tom and Sally Meekin (formerly Brazil) and their respective family circles. His loss is very keenly felt by his devoted wife and family and by the assembly at Sandringham where his help was greatly valued. "Thou shalt be missed, because thy seat will be empty" (1 Sam 20.18).
Mr William Bennie, aged 89, called home on 3rd January after a short illness. Willie was saved and baptised as a young man, and sought fellowship with the believers in Armadale where he continued faithfully until his homecall. He was never a public man, but the visiting saints and servants spoke highly of the warm welcome he gave them as he handed out the hymnbooks. Latterly he became exercised regarding giving out a hymn in the worship gathering, an exercise appreciated by the saints, and we are sure by the Lord. Willies presence is missed for his seat is empty.
Mrs E Graham, on 31st January, wife of Herbie. She came from Baillieborough in the Irish Republic. She was saved as a young girl, and bore a bright Christian testimony. After visiting a few foreign countries she married Herbie and settled in N Ireland. She had a real interest in young people, especially the children of missionaries. She and her husband had a large house in Belfast where these children were cared for and guided in the ways of God. As long as health permitted she was a regular attender at assembly and missionary meetings where she was esteemed and loved. Due to failing health she and her husband went to live with her daughter and husband in Lisburn. They were blessed with 4 children and had the joy of seeing them all saved and interested in the things of God. Her funeral was a private family burial followed by a thanksgiving service in Dundonald Gospel Hall, conducted by J G Hutchinson and at which her son-in-law R McMullan gave a tribute, her son Kerr gave a Scripture reading, and her son Paul gave a message with words of appreciation, comfort, gospel and challenge. Prayer valued for her husband and family.
Miss Olga Horan, aged 90, of Ballyclare assembly, went to be with Christ on 18th December. Olga was saved at the age of 12 in her home in Co Wicklow. She was the fruit of prayer of a godly mother, widowed early and left to bring up a family of eight. Later Olga was received into fellowship in Bray assembly. In 1994 she moved, with her sister Frances, to Ballyclare to be near their brother Norman and his children Ruth and Albert. She was a quiet, faithful sister who is missed by all. Her funeral was conducted by Terry Topley and Daniel Glenn, assisted by other local brethren.
Mrs Mary Jane (Maimie) McCloy, was called home suddenly on 14th January from Faith House Nursing Home in her 101st year. She was predeceased by her daughter Ivy 28 years ago, and her husband Joe 21 years ago. Born in Motherwell, Scotland, she returned with her family to Ireland in her teens. She was saved in 1926 under the preaching of Mr R Curran and Mr J Murphy at meetings in Shanaghan and was received into fellowship later the following year. After her marriage she was in fellowship in Drumlough Gospel Hall until retirement when she and her husband were in fellowship in Dromore and later in Lower Windsor, Belfast. She loved the gospel and the Lords people. The services were conducted by T McNeill and E Robinson assisted by I Totten. Prayer valued for her daughter, sons-in-law, grandchildren and the family circle.
Mrs Mae Scullion (nee McEwan), aged 66, called home on 15th January. As a young girl she trusted the Lord Jesus as her Saviour in Dreghorn, after her Dad had spoken to her. She was later baptized and received into fellowship in the assembly there while in her teens. She suffered much from asthma in her youth and in later years she was afflicted with arthritis. Her ill health restricted her activities, but she was able to care for her mother and two elderly aunts for many years. She was involved in tract distribution and was active in the Ayrshire Girls Youth Camp. After her marriage to Andrew in 1990 they moved to the assembly in Bridgend Gospel Hall, Kilwinning, where they have been in happy fellowship for over 20 years. Her health was never good and gradually deteriorated. The last two years were spent in hospital with only short breaks at home. Andrew cared for her lovingly and visited her regularly until the Lord graciously took her home to the place where there is no pain or sorrow. Please remember him in your prayers in his sad loss.
Mr John Stangoe, aged 89, called home on 4th January. Saved the same night as his sister Mary, and baptised at age 14, he was received into fellowship in the Gospel Hall in his home town, Calderbank. He moved to Chapelhall in 1953 shortly after his marriage to Chrissie and he remained there until his home call. John served in every aspect of assembly work - as superintendent of the Sunday school, elder, presentor of praise, correspondent, doorkeeper, tract distributor and, most dear to his heart, in visitation to the ill and bereaved of the village which he did until health restricted him in the last 2 years. At his funeral, the large turnout of villagers and believers who had enjoyed their hospitality reflected the respect earned over many years of faithful witness. The funeral was conducted by John Grant, Roy Marshall, and our brothers dear friend Bob English who gave a fitting tribute. He will be greatly missed by his wife Chrissie, their family and the small assembly.