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Book Review

A Love For The Lost - David Brainerd by Brian H. Cosby; published by Christian Focus Publications; 155 pages. Available from John Ritchie Ltd. £5.99. (9781845506957)

A Love For The Lost forms part of the Trailblazers series. It is listed as "youth biography" but is a profitable book for any age group. The reader is taken on a journey from David Brainerd’s teenage years growing up on a farm in Durham, Connecticut, to his work among the native American Indians on the wild frontier. The story concludes with his early death at just twenty-nine years of age.

David Brainerd attended Yale College. When George Whitefield arrived in America in 1740, a revival broke out and David was thrilled to be in the company of so many he had personally known to have been lukewarm but who now loved Christ as their greatest treasure.

During that time the single-minded desire of his heart is seen in an excerpt from his journal: "Oh! One hour with God infinitely exceeds all the pleasures and delights of this lower world".

Chauncey Whittelsey, one of Yale’s finest tutors, was only six months older than David but he had no interest in the revival. David hated hypocrisy, and when pressed for an opinion stated that "Whittesley has no more grace than this chair!" For his forthright remarks David was expelled from Yale College.

With a great burden for the native American Indians, the young preacher set out on horseback with an Indian friend as interpreter, who had the rather long name of John Wauwaumpequunnaunt. He assisted David in his missionary work among the Kaunaumeek Indians. Such was David’s deep concern for the tribe that he lovingly referred to them as "my people".

Tuberculosis eventually took its toll and the fervent preacher and prayer warrior passed into the presence of the Lord on October 9th, 1747. His friend John witnessed to the fact that David Brainerd was "a model of Christian character, of humility and of having a love for the lost". His life continues to inspire us today.


A Life Worth Living by Tom Glover; published by Biblical Books; 119 pages. Available from John Ritchie Ltd; price £6.99. (9781905989430)

This book is for all who want to deepen their Christian faith in their knowledge of, and walk with, the Lord. The relevant subtitle states, "No shortcuts to spiritual maturity".

A Life Worth Living was undertaken against a background of illness in Tom Glover’s family. In the Foreword, Stuart Wadsworth writes, "I have witnessed the inside story and I have seen a sincere and genuine faith lived out, tried and tested".

In "A word from the author…" David Watson is quoted as saying, "The world around us is sick of words and starved of reality". The author explains that God’s purpose for the Christian is to show this cold world that there is a life worth living. He is also convinced that spiritual maturity "can no more be produced overnight than apples growing on a tree".

This book will help the reader understand what the Bible has to say about living a life for the glory of God. It will also guide the reader along the pathway to knowing and experiencing the power and grace of God, even in the darkest days.

George Muller is quoted. When asked, "What is the secret of your service for God?", he replied, "There was a day when I died – died to George Muller, his opinions, preferences, tastes and will – died to the world, its approval or censure – died to the approval or blame of even my brethren or friends – since then I have studied to show myself approved only to God".

In the chapter "A change of allegiance" the point is made that many Christians never grow into spiritual maturity. The believers at Corinth are cited as an example. The author appeals for reality and encourages us to feed on the Scriptures as "the inexhaustible manna from heaven".

In this plain call to greater commitment to Christ, it is shown that when God is in the right place in our lives, then we are in the right place. C H Spurgeon stated, "If the service of God is worth anything, it is worth everything".



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