Miss Sylvia Baldwin, called home to be with the Lord on 12th February. Sylvia had been in fellowship at Victoria Hall, Flixton, Manchester from its beginning, and was faithfully involved in both Sunday School and Sunday School camp work. She faithfully and consistently supported overseas missionary and home workers, both practically and financially. Sylvia had a particular interest in Africa, and regularly supported the Falconer Home in Kabulamema, and Ruth Wallis in Sachibondu, whom she had known from a child, as well as the work of Medical Missionary News.
Mr Matthew Doey, aged 96, of Coleraine assembly was called home on 28th December. Our highly esteemed brother was saved at 20 years of age while attending meetings conducted by the late Mr Robert Love, and was in assembly fellowship for 5 years at Ballylintagh prior to moving to the Coleraine assembly, where he, and his late wife Nan, were in happy fellowship for the remainder of their lives. A steadfast and faithful brother and an elder for many years, he loved the Scriptures and the Lords people. He was marked by a mild, humble and sincere nature which endeared him to many. The large company which filled the Gospel Hall to pay their last respects to a true Christian gentleman was a testimony to the high esteem in which he was held. The services were conducted by Matthew McKillen and David Gilliland, assisted by local brethren. William Fenton prayed at the graveside. Prayer would be valued for his family circle at this time, particularly those not yet saved.
Mr Andrew Fyfe, aged 86, was called home on 4th March. He was wonderfully saved at 61 years of age, while in hospital, through the truth of Acts 16.31. The change in his life was most remarkable and his immediate desire was to obey the Lord. He was baptized and received into the fellowship of the Clonkeen assembly within four weeks. He rejoiced in his salvation and his delight was in the Scriptures. Prayer would be valued for his unsaved relatives. At the very large funeral, conducted by local brethren from Clonkeen and Ahoghill, opportunity was taken to speak of Andys Saviour.
Mrs Agnes Gracey (née Haskins), called home on 5th January. She was saved in 1980 at the age of 50, and soon afterwards was baptised and received into fellowship in the Broomhedge assembly. She was predeceased by her husband David 18 years ago. Our sister was unable to attend the assembly gatherings for the past number of years due to ill health. The funeral service was conducted by Ernest Robinson and a fitting tribute was given by Alec Rodgers. She will be greatly missed by her family.
Mr Hugh Hagan, aged 93, went to be with Christ on 2nd February. He was saved on 2nd March, 1936 at gospel meetings conducted by Mr Fred Bingham at Ballywillwill. Soon after, he was baptised and received into the assembly there, where he remained all his life. Hugh loved the assembly, in which he was an overseer, taught in the Sunday School, and had a real interest in the gospel which he sought to support. His great desire was to see others saved, especially family members to whom he witnessed and for whom he prayed constantly. His funeral was conducted by R Pickering with R Trimble and N Emerson helping, and many heard the gospel.
Mrs Martha Hartley, aged 85, on 23rd February, in Faith House. She was saved when she was a school girl at meetings in East Wall Assembly in Londonderry, and after baptism was in the assembly. Right from conversion she was interested in Divine matters, read and studied her Bible, and prayed and testified to all around her. She was a school teacher for 38 years. She was married in 1949 and with her husband Tom made their home a centre of hospitality. She was a real help in the assembly. She had two daughters and had the joy of seeing them saved and, with their husbands, interested in the Word and ways of the Lord. After retirement she and her husband (who predeceased her) went to live in Portrush. When health declined she was in Faith House, Belfast. Her large funeral was in Portrush when J G Hutchinson and J Flanigan gave words of appreciation, comfort and gospel. Prayer is valued for her family.
Mrs Sadie Jordan, called home on 19th February, in her 90th year. She was saved as a young girl, and in earlier years was in Bloomfield assembly. Soon after marriage she went with Reggie her husband to live in Canada where he was engaged in full-time gospel work. In 1948 they came to live in Dundonald. He continued steadfastly in the work of the gospel. She loyally supported him, and over the years showed a real interest in the assembly. More recently her health was not good, and for the past number of months she was in Dunlady Nursing Home. Her large funeral was from Dundonald Gospel Hall at which J G Hutchinson and J Wishart gave words of comfort and challenge with D Craig, G Hall and E Russel assisting. Prayer is valued for her son and his wife and family.
Mrs Nora Marshall, aged 87, called home on 23rd January after a debilitating illness which necessitated nursing care for a number of years. Our sister was saved in early life and received into the assembly in Lurgan where she was in fellowship until her homecall. A talented person, she was highly regarded in her nursing profession and was also actively involved in the work of the assembly where, within her sphere, she made a positive contribution to the testimony in so many ways. In 1949 she was married to George Marshall and fully supported her husband in his frequent labours in series of gospel meetings until his sudden homecall in 1986. Her respectful funeral service from Lurgan Gospel Hall was conducted by D Gilliland and J Martin with a number of brethren sharing in tribute and prayer.
Mrs Bella Morgan, aged 101, went to be with the Lord on 13th February. She was saved as a teenager, and later baptised and added to the assembly in Prince Street Hall, Peterhead. She was in fellowship for over 80 years and was a very quiet and thoughtful sister whose consistency was a real example. She displayed the solid values of a quickly passing generation. Although her memory failed in her last few years, she would still sing the hymns and choruses she knew so well. Whose faith follow.
Mrs Eunice McKeown, aged 87, was called into the presence of her Lord on 14th March. Our beloved sister was saved as a young girl while reading Isaiah 53.5 which brought peace to her troubled soul. She will be greatly missed by her family and friends along with all those that knew her, having often received that so welcoming smile. Prayer would be appreciated for some of the loved ones not yet saved. Her large funeral showed the esteem in which she and her family are held. Her funeral service was conducted by William Hamilton, Billy Taylor, Richard Nelson and John Rogers.
Mrs Ella McDonald, called home on 11th February after a short period in hospital. Our sister was saved at meetings in Lurgan Town Hall conducted by Mr William Gilmore after the Annual Conference in October, 1938 and was received into the fellowship of Lurgan assembly the following year. Here, apart from a short period in the Tullyroan assembly after her marriage to Jack McDonald, she remained for the rest of her life and was a valued and most consistent member. Her husband was called home a few days after the birth of her second child leaving her a widow for over fifty years. Despite the many family responsibilities which she sacrificially fulfilled, she always lived with her priorities on the things of the Lord and the assembly and was steadfast in her convictions to the very end. Her well attended funeral service from Lurgan Gospel Hall was conducted by D Gilliland and S Ferguson assisted by local brethren.
Mr William Reid, aged 72, was called home very suddenly on 26th January. He was saved at the age of 28 having lost a child. He was later baptised and received into fellowship in York Street Hall, Peterhead, where he was marked by faithfulness and consistency. In the assembly he was a doorkeeper for many years, and also a Sunday School teacher. He always showed a great interest and friendliness to all the young children and teenagers. The suddenness of his passing affected all who knew him, and prayer is requested for his wife and only daughter in their sadness.
Mr David C Stephen, aged 94, was called home on 22nd February after a life of very useful service in the work of the Lord. Saved 77 years ago and received into the Peterhead Assembly in 1938, he was then in the Inverurie assembly for 58 years. Along with his late wife Bunty, whom he married in 1953, their home was ever open for bounteous hospitality and fellowship. He was a Sunday School Teacher and Bible Class leader, a respected elder, as well as doing a lot of practical work in the upkeep and maintenance of the Hall including the building of the baptistry. Faithful to his Lord and faithful to the assembly gatherings, his presence will be greatly missed.
Mrs Susan Topping, aged 94, was called home on 21st February. Our dear sister was saved on 23rd November, 1955 and was received into the Donaghcloney assembly. As long as she was able, she was faithful in her attendance at all the meetings of the assembly. Visiting her was a great joy as she was happy to engage in conversation about the things of God. She was highly respected by all who knew her, this being evident in the large number who attended her funeral. The funeral service was conducted by Mr Brian Glendinning. She will be greatly missed by her son and daughter and their families. Prayer would be valued for some who are not saved.
Mrs E (Liz) Wallace, on 18th March, after a long illness borne with Christian dignity and patience. Saved in November, 1970 when Mr Duff and Mr R Neill had meetings in Edenderry, she was subsequently in fellowship there. Her husband was saved later, her faithful testimony and loyalty to God and His Word being used of the Lord to speak to him. For a number of years she has been in the assembly at Killeagh, where she was a real asset to the testimony, kind, loving and given to hospitality, and highly respected. Her funeral from the Gospel Hall was an indication of the esteem in which she was held. J G Hutchinson and S Maze gave words of appreciation, comfort and simple gospel truth. A Colgan, W Martin and Andrew Entwistle sharing in prayer etc. Prayer valued for her husband and family.