Some will be aware that in November last year Bryan was driving home from Sunday School with a number of children, including Lauren Joy, and a truck came straight out of a junction without stopping (or even slowing down) and hit the rear corner of our vehicle flipping it onto its roof. Amazingly, in all that happened there were no broken bones and no life-threatening injuries. All who were in the car were taken to hospital to be checked and treated for cuts and bruises, and, although one child was admitted to the hospital overnight, all have made a complete recovery and are going on well. Bryans blood pressure was through the roof that evening and since then he has struggled to settle down after all that happened.
Since we last wrote it has been a quiet period in the assembly. Those who were baptised in September have not yet been received into fellowship. We have spoken to them and we would value prayer for them as the assembly prepares to receive them. One area of encouragement is the involvement of our young men in gospel meetings at the hall. There are two brothers who are showing clear understanding of, and ability in, the gospel. We would ask you to pray for these, named Nature and Michael, that they might commit themselves to the study of the Scriptures so that they can gain a deeper knowledge of God and what He demands in relation to gospel preaching.
We would ask you to remember Kabo at this time. Some may recall that he is the young man who has AIDS. Recently he has contracted TB and is in an isolation hospital near here. He is very weak and is struggling to regain strength. Please pray for him at this difficult time.
The childrens work continues. We have a good number coming to the Sunday School at the moment. Joanna has started a class in English with some of the older girls (11-14 yrs) and Bryan is taking the older boys. Two of our young men work with the younger children in Setswana. We are praying that the Lord might be pleased to save some of these children. The small meeting on a Saturday morning at the home of one of the believers continues and this is so different from doing this work at our home. The last Saturday we met we had a large group of small children who did not want to listen to our story. We have a group of older ones, two of whom were involved in our accident. We are so pleased that they are continuing to come. Joanna still goes into the school that Lauren Joy attends to speak to two groups of children.
Please pray that the Lord will give help in further gospel work in the area of the hall. We continue to visit the two primary schools each week and that has been encouraging for us as we are becoming better known in the area. We would like to think that we might gain more access to homes through this work.
We spoke previously of the prison work re-starting but once again this hit a snag. Two weeks ago we went to the prison again and managed to see the chaplain, and arranged to go in the next week, but on arrival there the next week discovered he was not there and so we were unable to enter. This has become a bit of a frustration so we continue to wait on the Lord to re-open that door, if it is His will.
Your prayers are asked for Lauren Joy who has now commenced her final year of primary school. She has an increased work-load and a lot of studying to do. Further to this, she has no-one of her own age at the meetings at the moment. It would be good if somebody were to come along regularly who has a child of Lauren Joys age.