It was the joy of the Apostle Paul, in the midst of his many and varied labours in the gospel, to be able to address one of his helpers and co-workers as a "true yokefellow" (Phil 4.3). Others he writes of as "fellowworkers unto the kingdom of God" (Col 4.11). These are significant words, and they express conditions which are very desirable amongst those who serve God together in "the gospel of the grace of God" (Acts 20.24).
A "yokefellow" is one who moves alongside his comrade, keeping step, under the same control. A "fellowworker" is one who co-operates harmoniously in the same work, not thinking only of himself and his part, but seeking to make what he does fit in with that in which his fellowworker is engaged. Both words express unity of heart and mind, with mutual consideration and love.
How blessed it is to have such co-labourers, and to enjoy their fellowship in the service of the Lord. It can only be known where Christ is the supreme object of the heart, where to please Him is the one desire in the service, where loving subjection to His Word and to one another in obedience to Him is the aim of these who serve under the "one Lord". Such fellowship can only be enjoyed among those who are doing the work to which the Lord has appointed them. And even then, a right condition of soul is essential to its fulfilment. Let all who endeavour to serve "Christ Jesus the Lord" (2 Cor 4.5; Col 2.6) seek to know the blessing of such agreement, such fellowship in the work of the Lord.
A lowly mind, such as was in the mind of the Perfect Servant in all His fullness (Phil 2.5), "Serving the Lord with all humility" (Acts 20.19), ever seeking to walk in godly fellowship with others, are surely well-pleasing unto God and blessed for us.