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Book Review

Scripture Sevens, compiled by Phil Coulson; published by and available from John Ritchie Ltd; price £15.95.

"Scripture Sevens" brings together a wide range of topics for daily reading. The meditations are always interesting, sometimes they aim to bring comfort and encouragement, and at other times they challenge. The believer who reads and digests the portions and notes will be provided with a rich source of spiritual food in preparation for the journey that lies ahead each day. The following extract gives a flavour of the excellent and varied selection across Scripture which can be enjoyed in the course of the year.

The Hidden Manna, Revelation 2:17. The hidden manna referred to by the Lord Jesus in his message to the church at Pergamos is the omer laid up at God’s instruction (Exod 16:32-34). We learn from Hebrews 9:4 that it was contained in a golden pot and that it was well hidden, not just in the holy place where the priests could have seen it, nor even in the holy of holies where, once every year, the high priest may have seen it, but inside the Ark of the Covenant where only God’s eye rested upon it. The hidden manna then may speak to us of those details of the life of our Lord Jesus Christ which were seen and appreciated by God alone.

Some of the people may have caught only a passing glimpse of the Son of God; others saw His works and heard His words; the twelve saw and heard things that the people generally never witnessed; Peter, James and John alone saw His glory on the mount and His grief in the garden. Yet there was much that was only seen by God. Much of what He did and thought and said is left unrecorded by His inspired biographers. If all had been written "even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written" (John 21:25). But nothing was missed by His Father. He saw what men could never see, knew what men could never know of that lovely life.

Well could that golden pot rest in the Ark beside the unbroken tables of the law, for there was none as faithful as He, and beside Aaron’s rod that budded, for there was none as fruitful as He. Just how faithful, and just how fruitful, could be fully appreciated by God alone. Even His own misunderstood Him at times for they could not look upon His heart nor appreciate His motives. But there was One who could and did, understanding perfectly why He said what He said, why He did what He did, knowing that He never for one moment took His own way or did His own will. Not even the smallest detail escaped the divine gaze - all is eternally treasured! This is what is pictured for us by the hidden manna in the golden pot.

The overcomer in Pergamos was promised a portion of this hidden manna. Spurning the immoral feasts of the idol’s temple and bearing the reproach that this would bring, the prospect is his of eternally enjoying things about the Lord Jesus that none but God has yet appreciated. This is also the prospect of every true believer. The golden pot will never be exhausted! (A. Wilson).


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